10 of the best anime characters with black hair (2024)

Anime characters with black hair are ubiquitous; it is a natural color, after all. However, some of them are bound to be more interesting or famous than others. The only requirement for this list is that the characters have to possess black hair (any shade will do).

The cream always rises to the top eventually, and it's the same when it comes to these characters. They aren't just some of the best anime characters with black hair; some of them are just flat-out some of the best characters in general. Their stories have impacted anime fans worldwide in one way or another.

10 anime characters with black hair, including characters from Bleach, Maid Sama!, and more

10) Misaki Ayuzawa (Maid Sama!)

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (1)

Some TV shows might not be the most popular, yet they still have lovable characters. Misaki Ayuzawa is a perfect example, as she's a fiery tsundere who hates men while also being among the best students in her school. She's ultimately a unique character who makes up most of the show's runtime, alongside Takumi Usui.

Maid Sama! is just a cute show that wouldn't really work with any other character in Misaki's place.

9) Shota Aizawa (My Hero Academia)

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (2)

Whether it's Aizawa's lazy vibe that is easy to relate to or his intense dedication to his students, it's clear that he's a character that fans can easily love. Some fans of this series will also know him as Eraser Head, as his Quirk effectively allows him to "erase" other people's Quirks.

Cool ability aside, he's definitely one of the more interesting characters in the series, especially since many of them seem flat by comparison.

8) Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (3)

It's incredibly disappointing that Ichigo didn't end up with Rukia, considering how perfect their chemistry was with each other. Nonetheless, Rukia is a shinigami with black hair and is one of Bleach's most important characters. She kickstarts Ichigo's journey; however, what makes her a good character isn't just tied to her importance in that regard.

She's just a genuinely fun character who can be silly when need be while also acting seriously whenever necessary to advance the plot. Her fascination with bunnies is also pretty cute.

7) Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (4)

A manga series about volleyball is surprisingly fun, even to somebody with no interest in the sport. One of the most notable characters in it is Tobio Kageyama. He has black hair and is the main setter for Karasuno High. He's also known for being ridiculously good in volleyball.

Like many other rival anime characters with black hair, Kageyama starts off as a jerk before becoming an ally of the protagonist. In this case, he's a lot friendlier than some of the upcoming characters on this list that are also a part of this archetype.

6) Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (5)

Attack on Titan is one of the most notable modern anime, so it's one that readers so already be familiar with. Out of all the show's characters, Mikasa is up there with Eren Yeager for being the most recognizable. She's a deuteragonist known for being a strong female character, which is surprisingly rare for a Shōnen manga, and also kills Eren, the main protagonist, by the end of the series.

On a minor note, people who don't watch the series might also know that she has abs, a feature seldom seen in female anime characters.

5) Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (6)

This part of the article will start to cover some of the most well-known anime characters with black hair that even casuals should know. Characters like Sasuke aren't listed here just because their series are popular but because of their iconic personalities and legacies.

He's not necessarily the most popular character in the entire series, but he's unquestionably up there with Naruto in terms of how instantly identifiable they are. He has several similar characteristics to Hiei, which is unsurprising since the creator of Naruto admitted that he used Hiei as a reference for creating Sasuke.

Sasuke is a good fighter who undergoes a heel turn before becoming a good person by the end of the series throughout several memorable arcs.

4) Hiei (YuYu Hakusho)

90s anime fans will likely remember YuYu Hakusho. Although modern fans might not remember it as much, it's an influential anime that has inspired other hit series such as Naruto. The most popular character in YuYu Hakusho is Hiei, who is one of the earliest examples of an edgy anti-hero with black hair.

Despite his small size, he's one of the series' most ferocious fighters and quickly established himself as the coolest character in the show.

3) Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (8)

No manga has sold more copies than One Piece. The main protagonist of that series is the lovable Monkey D. Luffy, an aspiring Pirate King with a unique devil fruit that gives him the powers of the Sun God Nika. Casual fans should know that he's basically able to be extremely elastic and flexible.

He is one of the most popular anime characters of all time in what's one of the most popular shows of all time. Not including him on a list like this one would be a disservice to his legacy.

2) Vegeta (Dragon Ball series)

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (9)

Popular anti-hero anime characters aren't a new concept, but Vegeta is one of the first examples of that trope. He was initially a villain who fought Goku before becoming one of Goku's allies. Unlike other "good" characters like Krillin and Piccolo, Vegeta has always been edgier and more arrogant, making him far more interesting than his contemporaries.

Goku is the classic goody-two-shoes that some viewers might not relate to, leading them to often cheer for Vegeta instead. If one is thinking of anime characters with black hair, there is a solid chance that they're thinking about Vegeta.

1) Goku (Dragon Ball series)

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (10)

It might seem like cheating to include two characters from the same series, but their level of fame far eclipses all of the previous characters. Both characters have black hair and are arguably two of the most iconic anime characters of all time. There is a strong case to be made that Goku is the most recognizable anime character of all time, black hair or not.

He is the main protagonist of a series that has inspired countless other anime after it. Even western casual fans will likely know who he is, and his legacy spans several decades and doesn't appear to be stopping any time soon.

Goku represents all of the stereotypical Shōnen hero traits, yet he does so in an endearing way. Not to mention, fans of action sequences will love how great of a fighter he is, which isn't a shock, considering that the Dragon Ball series dwarves 99% of anime when it comes to combat sequences.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh


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As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a wide range of information, including the concepts mentioned in this article. Here is some information related to those concepts:

Anime Characters with Black Hair

Anime characters with black hair are quite common and can be found in various anime series. Black hair is a natural color and is often used to depict characters with different personalities and traits. While some characters may be more interesting or famous than others, the list of anime characters with black hair is extensive.

Misaki Ayuzawa (Maid Sama!)

Misaki Ayuzawa is a character from the anime series "Maid Sama!" She is a fiery tsundere character who dislikes men but is also one of the top students in her school. Misaki Ayuzawa is known for her unique personality and plays a significant role in the show alongside the character Takumi Usui.

Shota Aizawa (My Hero Academia)

Shota Aizawa, also known as Eraser Head, is a character from the anime series "My Hero Academia." He is a teacher at U.A. High School and has a lazy vibe that many fans can relate to. Aizawa's intense dedication to his students and his ability to "erase" other people's Quirks make him an interesting character in the series.

Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)

Rukia Kuchiki is a shinigami character from the anime series "Bleach." She has black hair and is one of the most important characters in the series. Rukia kickstarts the main character Ichigo's journey and is known for her fun and sometimes silly personality. Her fascination with bunnies is also a notable characteristic.

Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)

Tobio Kageyama is a character from the manga and anime series "Haikyuu!!" He has black hair and is the main setter for Karasuno High's volleyball team. Kageyama starts off as a jerk but later becomes an ally of the protagonist. His exceptional skills in volleyball make him a standout character in the series.

Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

Mikasa Ackerman is a deuteragonist character from the anime series "Attack on Titan." She is known for being a strong female character, which is rare in Shōnen manga. Mikasa's black hair and her skills in combat make her a memorable character. It's worth noting that she has well-defined abs, which is uncommon for female anime characters.

Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)

Sasuke Uchiha is a character from the anime series "Naruto." He is one of the most well-known anime characters with black hair. Sasuke starts off as a villain but undergoes character development throughout the series. He is a skilled fighter and has a complex personality, which adds depth to his character.

Hiei (YuYu Hakusho)

Hiei is a character from the anime series "YuYu Hakusho." He is one of the earliest examples of an edgy anti-hero with black hair. Despite his small size, Hiei is a ferocious fighter and is often considered the coolest character in the show.

Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Monkey D. Luffy is the main protagonist of the manga and anime series "One Piece." He has black hair and is an aspiring Pirate King. Luffy possesses a unique devil fruit power that gives him elastic and flexible abilities. He is one of the most popular anime characters of all time and has a significant impact on the series' popularity.

Vegeta (Dragon Ball series)

Vegeta is a character from the Dragon Ball series. He is one of the first examples of a popular anti-hero anime character. Initially a villain, Vegeta later becomes one of Goku's allies. His edgier and more arrogant personality sets him apart from other "good" characters in the series.

Goku (Dragon Ball series)

Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series and is one of the most iconic anime characters of all time. He has black hair and represents the stereotypical Shōnen hero traits. Goku's legacy spans several decades, and he is known for his incredible fighting abilities.

Please note that the information provided above is based on the concepts mentioned in this article.

10 of the best anime characters with black hair (2024)


Which anime character has black hair? ›

However some of the best anime characters have black hair, including Monkey D. Luffy, Vegeta, Kirito, L, Itachi, Rukia, and so many more.

Which anime character has the best hair? ›

Thanks to their interesting traits or the way they perfectly fit their character, viewers remember iconic hairstyles long after they've finished the series.
  • 10 Yugi Mutou (Yu-Gi-Oh!) ...
  • 9 Son Goku (Dragon Ball) ...
  • 8 Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) ...
  • 7 Jessie (Pokémon) ...
  • 6 Death The Kid (Soul Eater) ...
  • 5 Saber (Fate)
Apr 10, 2023

Who has black hair in demon slayer? ›

Hairo was a relatively tall young man with an athletic build. He had very spiky black hair with two chin-length bangs. As a member of the Twelve Kizuki, he had the kanji for Lower ( 下 か , Ka?) and the daiji for Two ( 弐 に , Ni?) etched on his left eye.

Does Hinata have black hair? ›

Hinata has dark blue hair, fair skin, and gentle facial expressions - traits that she inherited from her mother. She is usually seen with a shy expression, especially when she is around Naruto.

Who is the bald anime? ›

Saitama (One-Punch Man)

Saitama is undoubtedly the most famous bald anime character. While his story behind going bald is unique and hilarious, many anime fans admire him and cosplay Saitama.

How to get hair like gojo? ›

To start off, we debulked the sides with a number 2 guard then followed up with pointing his sideburns. For the top, we needed to cut off a little bit of length so it's easier for the hairspray to settle in later. The styling is what makes it breaks this Gojo look.

Why is anime hair blue? ›

Blue also represents bitter emotions such as sadness or fear, so the blue-haired character is sometimes overly emotional or cowardly. A shy character will have blue hair rather often. Anime characters with blue hair include Sailor Mercury, Tamaki Amajiki from My Hero Academia, and Rem from Re: Zero.

Who is the top 1 anime character? ›

Top 15 Most Popular Anime Characters of 2024
  • No. 1 Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
  • No. 2 Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
  • No. 3 Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
  • No. 4 Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
  • No. 5 Saitama (One Punch Man)
  • No. 6 Isaac Netero (Hunter X Hunter)
  • No. 7 Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

Is Gojo Black or white? ›

He has become a fan-favorite, admired for his strength, wit, and inexplicable persona. Yet what sets Gojo apart from many of his anime counterparts is a very distinctive and thought-provoking detail: his identity as a Black man.

Who is the Black guy in Naruto? ›

Black Zetsu is the secondary antagonist of the Naruto franchise. He initially served as Madara's right-hand man and a servant to Obito. He worked as an agent of the Akatsuki, in which he functioned as the organization's spy and worked alongside White Zetsu.

What is the number 1 hair color? ›

The level system is made up of 10 numbers which help determine the depth level of your natural hair. 1 is black, 5 is light brown, 6 is dark blonde, 7 is blonde and 10 is the lightest blonde.

What is the rarest hair color ranked? ›

The United States has predominantly black and brown hair in the population, with 85 percent for black hair and 11 percent for brown hair. Authentic blonde hair makes up only two percent of the population, and authentic red hair, the rarest hair color of all, makes up only one percent of the American population.

Is Japanese hair black or dark brown? ›

The natural hair color for Japanese people is generally black, of course. Long, black hair was a sign of beauty for women in the Heian period (794-1192), when Japan developed its own cultural preferences.

Why do anime MC have black hair? ›

Given that the average anime viewer in Japan is a male with black hair, that's what the anime protagonist is, in order for the viewer to more strongly identify with him. It's because most peopel have black hair and most japanese have black hairs and because animes are usually popular and are very many in japan.

What does black hair mean in anime? ›

Black hair may be another default hair colour especially in anime, but it carries deeper meaning. Characters with black hair often have had a dark past. These characters are intelligent, powerful and refined.

Who has black hair in haikyuu? ›

Kiyoko is a very beautiful girl who stands at above average height. She has shoulder length, raven black hair that she tucks one portion behind her left ear, whereas the rest hang freely on the right side.

What anime has a black hair female lead? ›

Nico Robin is also a great female anime character with black hair, as her character adds a lot to One Piece. Other great anime girls with black hair include Momo Yaoyorozu from My Hero Academia, Mikasa from Attack on Titan, and Kagome from. Which anime woman with black hair deserves to be called the best?


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.