Amish Caramel Corn Recipe Melts In Your Mouth (2024)

Last Updated on: February 19, 2024

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Amish Caramel Corn Recipe Melts In Your Mouth (1)

The Amish make the best, melt-in-your-mouth caramel corn. With just a few simple ingredients, you can whip up this simple holiday treat in about 1 hour.

This is my go-to recipe for every Thanksgiving and Christmas get-together. Homemade Caramel Corn is a classic. It’s also makes for an excellent gift. I like to fill up those big decorative popcorn cans and hand these out to family, friends, teachers, the bus driver, you name it.

Everyone loves caramel corn. In fact, I often have to hide it around the house. Otherwise, my family would devour it in just a few days.

You can also store it in Ziploc baggies and send it off with the kids in their lunchbox. Pretty sure this gets me some extra hugs around the holidays.

How long can caramel corn be stored?

Popcorn is one of those foods that seems to last forever! In fact, popcorn (including caramel corn) doesn’t spoil or go bad. It just loses its flavor and crispiness over time. But when you store it in an airtight container, it should last up to 3 months.

But if you’re like our family, it’s usually gone within a week. You can also fill up some Ziploc bags and pass them out as gifts.

Why is my caramel corn so sticky?

If you find that your caramel corn is excessively sticky, it hasn’t been cooked properly. Temperature and timing are very important when it comes to making the perfect batch of homemade caramel corn.

Be sure to bring it to the correct temperature. This ensures that when it cools, it dries as a shiny coating rather than a sticky sauce. Also, be sure to take your time when you bring the mixture to a boil. If you’re like me, I tend to get a little impatient. But it’s important that you keep the heat on medium and allow it to come to a boil naturally. You want a nice SLOW bubbling boil.

Tips & Tricks for Making Homemade Caramel Corn

If you use one of those large disposable aluminum pans, clean up is soooo much easier.

You can also make this with molasses instead of light corn syrup, it tastes just like the old-time Cracker Jack caramel popcorn.

Or you can use maple syrup instead of corn syrup if you prefer. Both are equally delish!

I also like to use 1 bag of plain popped corn and 1 bag of regular salty popcorn to give it a sweet-savory combo.

By using this recipe as a base, you have lots of options for mixing up the flavors! You can even add a bit of cayenne pepper to make it spicy.

This rich, buttery, sweet sensation is better than any store-bought caramel corn at a fraction of the price.


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Amish Caramel Corn Recipe Melts In Your Mouth (2)


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Amish Caramel Corn Recipe Melts In Your Mouth

Prep time



Cooking time







  • 7 quarts plain popped corn

  • 2 cups slivered almonds (Can also use dry roasted nuts, honey rosated peanuts, cashews, Macadamia nuts, or pecans)

  • 2 cups brown sugar

  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 cup butter

  • 1 tsp baking soda

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • Dash of cayenne pepper


  • Cook 2 bags of popcorn in the microwave. Two 3.5oz bags of microwave popcorn equals 7 quarts of popped corn.
  • Place the popped popcorn into (2) shallow greased baking pans. Sprinkle the slivered almonds or nuts of your choice on top. Set aside. You can also use roasting pans if you prefer, which makes it a bit easier to stir without any popcorn falling out.
  • Preheat the oven to 240 degrees F. While the oven is heating, combine the brown sugar, corn syrup, butter, and salt in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring enough to blend. Note: It’s important not to get in a hurry and bring everything to a boil too quickly. You want a nice SLOW bubbling boil.
  • Once the mixture begins to boil, continue boiling for 5 minutes while stirring constantly.
  • Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the baking soda and vanilla. Immediately pour over the popcorn in the baking pans. Stir to coat.
  • Bake for 1 hour. But be sure to remove them from the oven and give them a good stir every 15 minutes.
  • After it’s done baking, line the countertop with waxed paper. Pour the popcorn out onto the waxed paper. Allow the popcorn to cool completely.
  • Store in airtight containers. It can be kept for up to 3 months.
Amish Caramel Corn Recipe Melts In Your Mouth (3)

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Amish Caramel Corn Recipe Melts In Your Mouth (2024)


Why is my homemade caramel corn soggy? ›

Baking the caramel-coated popcorn helps to set the caramel sauce. By skipping this step, the caramel corn will become soggy.

What does sodium bicarbonate do to caramel? ›

The sodium bicarbonate allows it to achieve the 'brittle' texture you are looking for in carmel corn. Without it the stage at which you stop cooking the caramel would result in a very sticky consistency. It serves the same purpose in peanut brittle.

How long can you store homemade caramel corn? ›

To keep your caramel corn fresh, be sure to store it in an airtight container or resealable bag (making sure to press as much air out as you can). The better you seal your container, the longer it will last. You can store it at room temperature on your counter for up to 2-3 weeks.

How do you fix caramel that is too soft? ›

Here's how to make soft caramel harder: Put the caramel back in the pot, add 2-3 tablespoons of water, and remelt the caramel. Cook the caramel until it reaches the correct temperature, and pour it back into a foil-lined pan.

How do you make caramel more liquidy? ›

To thin caramel, just add some cream or water over heat. Melt caramel loaves in the oven. You can also add corn syrup or lemon juice to caramel sauces to prevent them from crystallizing.

Why is my caramel corn chewy? ›

If you prefer chewy caramel corn, let it sit until the caramel has hardened. If you prefer crunchy caramel corn, Preheat oven to 250 F. and bake for 30-40 minutes, tossing occasionally. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

Why is my caramel corn bitter? ›

If your caramel sauce is bitter, it could be that your sugar burned. Lower your heat and pay attention to the color of your sugar; it should be no darker than a medium tan.

How do you make caramel popcorn crispy again? ›

The easiest way to refresh leftover popcorn is to toss it in the oven to warm it up and re-crisp it. Simply spread it out in an even layer on a baking sheet and place it in a 250°F oven for about five minutes, until it's warmed through.

What happens if you add too much sodium bicarbonate? ›

Sodium bicarbonate can also cause damage to your stomach if you take too much, or don't take it correctly. Too much sodium bicarbonate can make gas form quickly in the stomach, and cause your stomach to rupture.

Why do you put vinegar in caramel? ›

Add acid. Acid ingredients (like vinegar or lemon juice) can help prevent re-crystallization which causes caramel to become grainy. Acid physically breaks the bonds between the glucose and fructose molecules that form sucrose and ensure that it stays apart.

What happens if you use too much bicarbonate of soda in baking? ›

Make sure to bake the batter immediately. Baking soda has an indefinite shelf life if stored in a sealed container in a cool dry place. Too much baking soda will result in a soapy taste with a coarse, open crumb.

Why is my caramel corn sticky? ›

If your caramel corn came out sticky then, unfortunately, it has not been cooked properly. It is very important to bring the caramel mixture to a boil and boil it for 5 minutes. This helps make sure it dries as a shiny coating during the cooling process instead of a sticky mess.

Is caramel corn the same as caramel popcorn? ›

Caramel corn or caramel popcorn (toffee popcorn in the UK) is a confection made of popcorn coated with a sugar or molasses based caramel candy shell that is normally less than 1mm thick. Typically a sugar solution or syrup is made and heated until it browns and becomes thick, producing a caramelized candy syrup.

Which caramel popcorn is best? ›

Nutrition info refers to 1 ounce, roughly ½ a cup.
  • Werther's Original Caramel Popcorn. ...
  • Harry & David Moose Munch Premium Classic Caramel. ...
  • G.H. Cretors Handcrafted Small-Batch Caramel Corn. ...
  • Popcornopolis Caramel Popcorn. ...
  • The Original Cracker Jack. ...
  • Poppyco*ck Original Gourmet Popcorn. ...
  • Crunch 'n Munch Caramel Popcorn with Peanuts.
Feb 3, 2023

Why is my caramel popcorn not crunchy? ›

So I suggest boiling the caramel just for 2 minutes as called for in the recipe then adapting the texture with the baking time. Less baking time = chewier popcorn, longer baking time = crispier popcorn harder. To make crunchy popcorn: Heat oven to 200°F.

How do you make soggy caramel popcorn crispy again? ›

He did follow the original oven method, though, which means reheating the popcorn at 250°F for 5 minutes. He took the once-soggy movie theater popcorn out of the air fryer, and it was perfectly crunchy again.

Why is my corn soggy? ›

If you leave the cobs in boiling water for too long, the corn's starch content will absorb too much water and its pectin will dissolve, yielding kernels with a soggy texture.

Why is my caramel gooey? ›

If caramels are too soft, that means the temperature didn't get high enough. Again place the caramel back into a sauce pan with a couple of tablespoons of water and heat to 244°F. If you don't have a candy thermometer, you can test with a cold water test. Details on how to use this method can be found here.


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.