DnD Races and Species: Comprehensive Character Guides for DnD 5e Races (2024)

DnD Races and Species: Comprehensive Character Guides for DnD 5e Races (1)

Your choice of race, alongside your class, is one of the most distinguishing and important aspects of your character. DnD races are numerous and diverse, catering to a wide range of concepts both narratively and mechanically. In our race handbooks we’ set out to’ll help you get the most out of whatever race you care to play

Note that our assessments of a class for dnd races may not match the assessments of a race for a class. Our class handbooks are written with an emphasis on the class and the options which work well for the class. Our handbooks for DnD races are written with an emphasis on the race and the class options which are viable for a player who has decided to play that race and may still be looking for a class which works for that race.

Races published early in 5e’s lifetime generally had fixed ability scoreincreases. Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything introduced new “custom origin”optional rules which allow players to reassign their character’s racialability score increases, and races published after Tasha’s now use astandardized choice of +2/+1 or three +1 increases. Handbooks for dnd racespublished before Tasha’s include information for both the original version ofthe race and for the race while using the custom origin rules.

With perfect ability score increases available for every single race, many ofthe classic DnD tropes (elf wizards, dwarf fighters, etc.) have fallen away,and new iconic pairings are emerging based on racial traits that are morenovel than “ability score increases to Dexterity and Wisdom”.

DnD Races

Aarakocra (EEPC/MotM)

Bird people with a high fly speed and talons. The Monsters of the Multiverse version adds the ability to cast Gust of Wind as an innate spell.

Aasimar (VGTM/MotM)

Human-like beings with a celestial influence. Resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage, plus a powerful divine transformation usable once per day.

Autognome (SAiS)

Automatons from space (Spelljammer) with durable metal bodies and a versatile bonus that you can add to ability checks, attacks, and saves a few times per day.

Bugbear (VGTM/MotM)

Terrifying goblinoid ambush predators. Long limbs give them extended reach, and Surprise Attack makes them exceptionally dangerous at the beginning of fights, especially on builds which can make multiple attacks. Bugbear doesn’t work well for every build, but it can be used for some insane high-damage builds.

Centaur (EEPC/VGTM/MOoT/MotM)

Iconic fey creatures, centaurs have excellent land speed and a great charge option which makes them thrive in melee.

Changeling (ERLW/MotM)

Shapeshifters with the ability to change their appearance at will, changelings have great skills and work very well in social situations.

Custom Lineage (TCoE)

The non-race racial option, Custom Lineage fills the gap when other options don’t meet your exact fantasy. They can also get Darkvision and a feat at first level, so they’re a great optimization option, and despite only getting one ability score increase, they’re more customizable than the Variant Human.

Dhampir Lineage (VRGtR)

All the cool factor of vampires without actually being a vampire. See in the dark, walk on walls, and bite stuff.

Dhampirs are a lineage applied on top of a base race, replacing most of your base race’s traits, but this allows you to inherit special move speeds (flight, etc.) or gain two extra skill proficiencies.

Dragonborn (PHB)

Draconic humanoids with an inherited breath weapon and matching damage resistance. Whether or not they have tails is a subject of fierce debate.

Dwarf (PHB)

Short (compared to humans), often bearded, and durable. A fantasty staple.

Later versions of dwarf subraces are published as standalone races, and as such we’ve addressed them in their own handbooks:

  • Duergar

Elf (PHB)

Pointy ears, and a long, diverse list of subraces. Elves share a Trance trait which allows them to meditate instead of sleeping, and they frequently have access to some sort of magic via their racial traits. A fantasy staple.

Later versions of elf subraces are published as standalone races, and as such we’ve addressed them in their own handbooks:

  • Astral Elf (SAiS)
  • Eladrin (MotM)
  • Sea Elf (MotM)
  • Shadar-Kai (MotM)

Fairy (WBtW/MotM)

Flight and some innate spellcasting, including the ability to enlarge yourself and cast Faerie Fire.

Firbolg (VGTM/MotM)

Mysterious giant-kin, firbolgs can speak with plants and become briefly invisibile.

Genasi (EEPC)

Humanoids with strong magical influence from the elemental planes.

  • Air Genasi (MotM)
  • Earth Genasi (MotM)
  • Fire Genasi (MotM)
  • Water Genasi (MotM)

Giff (SAiS)

Gun-toting space hippos. Good at strength checks and free proficiency with firearms.

Gith (MToF)

Humanoids whose in-world history dates back to a time where they were enslaved by mind flayers. Gith get some additional proficiencies, plus some psionics (innate spellcasting, but spicy).

Later version of the Gith were published as standalone races:

  • Githyanki (MotM)
  • Githzerai (MotM)

Gnome (PHB)

Small, quirky, and a lot of fun story flavor.

Later versions of gnomes subraces are published as standalone races, and as such we’ve addressed them in their own handbooks:

  • Deep Gnome (MotM)

Goblin (VGTM/MotM)

A fantasy staple, but maybe not what you’re expecting if only because 5e’s goblins aren’t green. Goblins are exceptionally mobile, making them a great option for anyone not planning to stand still in a fight.

Goliath (EEPC/VGTM/MotM)

Durable giant-kin with cold resistance and a unique trait to reduce damage taken a few times per day.

Hadozee (SAiS)

Described as ape-like, but honestly they’re more like flying squirrels. They come from space, they can use their skin flaps to glide, and they have prehensile feet.

Half-Elf (PHB)

The best ability score increases in the game (+2/+1/+1), two skills, some of the Elf’s signature traits, and a few variant options which trade their skills for pieces of elf subraces. Among the most versatile races in the game.

Half-Orc (PHB)

Between Savage Attacks and Relentless Endurance, the Half-Orc is durable and can be very threatening if you’re fishing for critical hits. They also get Darkvision and a bonus skill, which expand their options outside of combat.

Halfling (PHB)

Small and lucky.

Harengon (WBtW/MotM)

Rabbit-like humanoids. As you might expect, they have quick reflexes and can jump great distances.

Hexblood Lineage (VRGtR)

Humanoids heavily influenced by hags, hexbloods can do some divination via a spooky token and have innate spellcasting to disguise themselves and curse others. Hexbloods are a lineage applied on top of a base race, replacing most of your base race’s traits, but this allows you to inherit special move speeds (flight, etc.) or gain two extra skill proficiencies.

Hobgoblin (VGTM/MotM)

Like goblins, but taller. The original version is martially-focused, while the later version is more closely tied to the Hobgoblin’s fey origins and gains the ability to help and empower allies a few times per day.

Human (PHB)

You are probably one of these. No one uses the regular human, but the variant human gets a feat! Access to a feat, and extra skill proficiency, and two +1 ability score increases has made the Variant Human the go-to for the vast majority of optimized builds since the release of the 2014 Player’s Handbook.

Kalashtar (ERLW)

Humanoids native to the Eberron campaign setting, Kalashtar have a powerful link to the plane of dreams, and can do things like communicating telepathically.

Kender (SotDQ)

Gnome-like creatures native to Krynn (the setting of Dragonlance), Kender have a tendency to collect random items and have a knack for mocking their foes to distract them.

Kenku (VGTM/MotM)

Crow people with the ability to perfectly mimick sounds.

Kobold (VGTM/MotM)

Small reptilian creatures related to dragons. The original version got Pack Tactics, which was cool but could cause trouble. The newer version gets to choose between a few options like a cantrip or a bonus skill, making them very versatile.

Leonin (MOoT)

Lion-like humanoids with a powerful roar.

Lizardfolk (VGTM/MotM)

Lizard-like humanoids with durable scales and ability to bite creatures in order to to heal themselves.

Loxodon (GGtR)

Elephant-like humanoids, Loxodons get Constitution-based natural armor and have prehensile trunks which they can use to Shove enemies.

Minotaur (GGtR/MOoT/MotM)

Iconic bull-like humanoids, minotaurs are built for charging into melee.


Iconic fantasy humanoids, orcs have seen several variations throughout 5e’s history. The current version includes Relentless Endurance and Adrenaline Surge, both of which make the Orc very hard to kill.

Owlin (SCoC)

Owl-like humanoids with the ability to fly, Darkvision, and a bonus skill.

Plasmoid (SAiS)

Ooze people from space.

Reborn Lineage (VRGtR)

Humanoids who came back from the dead with most of their memories in tact.

Reborn are a lineage applied on top of a base race, replacing most of your base race’s traits, but this allows you to inherit special move speeds (flight, etc.) or gain two extra skill proficiencies.

Satyr (MOoT/MotM)

Goat-like humanoids dating back to real-world greek myths, satyrs get bonus skills and proficiencies in instruments, can jump long distances, and are resistant to magic.

Shifter (ERLW/MotM)

Humanoids closely related to lycanthropes, shifters can “shift”, taking on some beast-like traits temporarily.

Simic Hybrid (GGtR)

Humans magically augmented with animal parts, giving them access to cool abilities like clawed hands and the ability to spit acid.

Tabaxi (EGtW/VGTM/MotM)

Cat-like humanoids with great speed, clawed hands, and bonus skills.

Thri-Kreen (SAiS)

Four-armed mantis-like humanoids from space and/or from the Dark Sun setting (which hasn’t appeared in 5e). Thri-kreen also have natural armor and can communicate telepathically.

Tiefling (PHB)

Humanoids with fiendish influence, tieflings are typically resistant to fire and get some innate spellcasting. Tiefling variants introduced options to change your traits by associating your tiefling with a specific layer of hell.

Tortle (TP/EGtW/MotM)

Turtle-like humanoids, tortles have durable shells which work in place of armor and get bonus skill proficiencies. Teenage mutant ninja tortle jokes are always welcome.

Triton (MOoT/VGTM)

Amphibious humanoids native to the ocean with some innate spellcasting and the ability to talk to creatures with swim speeds (fish, etc.).

Vedalken (GGtR)

Intellectual, blue humanoids with advantage on mental saves and a bonus to some skill and tool checks.

Verdan (AcInc)

Green humanoids with magical blood and limited telepathy. They grow in size after a few levels.

Warforged (ERLW)

Magical robots! Very durable and extremely cool.

Yuan-Ti (VGTM/MotM)

Humanoids with some snake-like traits, yuan-ti are resistance to both poison and magic and can magically charm snakes.

Beyond the Pale

I typically don’t cover content beyond what has made it into official sourcebooks. However, I occasionally make exceptions when numerous people make requests that I cover the same content. This may include Unearthed Arcana content or non-official content published during official events (like One Grung Above (affiliate link)), and very rarely may include 3rd-party content.

  • Grung(OGA)
  • Locathah (LR)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best DnD Race?

Bugbear can be used for some very high-damage builds, but Custom Lineage and Variant Human generally considered the best because they get a feat at 1st level.

What is the easiest DnD Race to play?

Human is the easiest to play because it doesn’t add extra traits to your character. Other easy options include the Hill Dwarf, the Stout Halfling, and the Warforged.

What is the worst DnD Race?

The Human is frequently considered the worst because it’s difficult to make their ability score increases meaningful.

DnD Races and Species: Comprehensive Character Guides for DnD 5e Races (2024)


How many D&D 5E races are there? ›

There are nine races in D&D 5E proper, with many, many other playable races/species found in the various sourcebooks, adventure books and homebrew content released for the fantasy RPG.

What is the shortest playable race in DND? ›

Halflings are the shortest character race in the core rules. One of the fae creatures - fairies, sprites etc are probably the shortest human-shaped race. Don't forget the forest gnome they are smaller then normal gnomes and halflings. Using the hight calculator I got a 2′ 4″ forest gnome.

How many races are in the DND players handbook? ›

D&D races: elves, humans, halflings, and more

If you've ever seen Lord of the Rings then these fantasy race options will seem very familiar to you – especially the hobbits (we mean, uh, halflings). In the PHB (Player's Handbook) there are nine races to choose from.

Can you be a vampire in D&D? ›

There are two possibilities how players can become vampires: either it is something they work out with the DM as a character concept, or, they get turned into a vampire by encountering a vampire and getting killed by the vampire's necrotic bite damage and buried in the ground.

Is there a dragon race in D&D? ›

Born of dragons, as their name proclaims, the dragonborn walk proudly through a world that greets them with fearful incomprehension. Shaped by draconic gods or the dragons themselves, dragonborn originally hatched from dragon eggs as a unique race, combining the best attributes of dragons and humanoids.

What is the most overpowered race in 5e? ›

Yuan-ti. Yuan-ti are often considered one of the most powerful races in 5e, starting the game off with a host of great abilities. They get Abyssal and Draconic as their additional languages, as well as natural Darkvision, all of which can be useful in exploration or role-playing.

What race can't talk in D&D? ›

Kenku understand common and they can pronounce common words, but they can't actually 'speak' common, because they lack the ability to speak. Their ability to be creative was taken away from them, and as a result, so was their ability to speak.

Is there a DnD race that can fly? ›

Races with innate flight include Gem Dragonborns, Winged Tieflings, Protector Aasimar, and Fairies. Basically, pick what aesthetic of flight you want and move on to the next step.

What is the longest DnD campaign ever? ›

Robert A. Wardhaugh is a Canadian historian known as a host of the longest uninterrupted Dungeons & Dragons campaign. As of 2023, the game has been going on for 42 years, since 1982.

What is the heaviest character in D&D? ›

Centaurs are easily the heaviest playable race in D&D, being made up of one-half-human and one-half-horse. Thanks to a chart provided in the Mythic Odyssey of Theros, players are able to calculate the weight of their centaur.

What is the most popular race class in D&D? ›

Of the 6 million new characters created on D&D Beyond in 2023, Human and Fighter ranked as the top race and class, respectively. While some commenters were surprised by Human's popularity, others pointed out that the Variant Human subrace is likely lumped into that total.

Can you mix races in D&D? ›

There are no specific rules for mixing races in D&D other than the existing "half" races present in the Player's Handbook (Half-elf and half-orc).

What is the most mobile race in D&D? ›

At first glance, the Tabaxi may not seem extraordinarily agile. Their base movement speed is thirty feet, but they are by and large the most mobile race in D&D.

How many official D&D classes are there? ›

D&D 5E lists twelve classes that you can choose from in the Player's Handbook. Expansion books and special D&D settings give plenty of options if you don't find what you are looking for, but these twelve classes are especially good choices for new players.

How many different DnD classes are there? ›

In Dungeons and Dragons, choosing one of the 14 DnD classes might be the most important decision you can make. D&D classes shape the way you play, allowing you to wield axes, cast spells, or even communicate with animals. Each class is its own unique experience – so choosing the right one for you is crucial.

How many basic DnD classes are there? ›

There are 12 basic classes in D&D: Barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, warlock and wizard.

How many D&D subclasses are there? ›

I find that it can be quite difficult to decide what subclass you want to play, given that there are currently 13 official classes and 117 official subclasses in Dungeons & Dragons 5E and they are dispersed through a number of different books.


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