Easy Cottage Cheese Dip - Mom's Kitchen Handbook Recipes (2024)

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Easy Cottage Cheese Dip - Mom's Kitchen Handbook Recipes (1)

In an era when the kitchen was considered a woman’s domain, my grandfather was the family cook, and an excellent one at that.My grandma on the other hand, cooked very little, with a limited repertoire of dishes. This easy cottage cheese dip was one of them. It was something that came out for company, to keep guests satiated while my grandfather worked his magic in the kitchen and my grandmother played the piano.

Easy Cottage Cheese Dip for Snack or Appetizer

This easy cottage cheese dip became the appetizer staple in my house growing up as well. We knew to expect guests when my mother would pull together its few ingredients — cottage cheese, red onion, parsley, mayonnaise, and black pepper — along with crackers and vegetables for dipping.

Serve with Veggies, Crackers, Pretzels, or even Chips

I make it just as my mom and grandma did, using the cottage cheese container as a mixing bowl. It’s one less dish to clean and does the job perfectly well. For serving, I empty the finished dip into a ceramic bowl with whatever is in the crisper drawer appropriate for scooping: carrots, celery, cucumber, snap peas, and radishes, just to name a few. I also like it with salted pretzel thins and Triscuits. This is old school snacking, after all.

Is Cottage Cheese Healthy?

Even though cottage cheese has a reputation for being dull “diet” food, its mild taste is exactly what makes it ideal for the flavors and textures in this recipe. Cottage cheese is also a wholesome source of protein. It also doesn’t pack a whole lot of calories, just 90 per 1/2 cup of low-fat cottage cheese. It gets even healthier when served with a bundle of crunchy vegetables, a nourishing tide-me-over for kids and adults awaiting dinner. It’s also my “go to” for a light lunch that works well for kid’s lunch boxes, too. Folks who are watching their salt intake may want keep an eye on the cottage cheese, though, since it has roughly 300 mg per serving.

Cottage Cheese is Comfort Food

Regardless of how healthy or easy this recipe is, for me, it’s all comfort. As options for appetizers have blossomed from the seven layer creations of my childhood to artisanal cheeses, exotic spreads, and crostini of every stripe, there continues to be a place for my grandmother’s humble invention.

For more dip ideas, check out:

Healthier Ranch Dip

Lighter Green Goddess Dip

Sweet Potato Hummus

Easy 3-Ingredient Dips from Food Confidence

Classic Guacamole from Hola Jalapeño

Easy Cottage Cheese Dip - Mom's Kitchen Handbook Recipes (4)

5 from 2 votes


Easy Cottage Cheese Dip

This humble dip is so simple and ever so tasty. I serve it for an after school snack or set it out when dinner is running late and hungry kids come sniffing around the kitchen. Cottage Cheese Dip always satisfies.

Keywordcottage cheese dip

Prep Time 6 minutes

Servings 6 servings (2 1/4 cups dip)

Calories 70 kcal

Author Katie Morford


  • One 16-ounce container low-fat cottage cheese
  • 2tablespoonsmayonnaise(I use light Best Foods)
  • 3tablespoonsfinely chopped parsley
  • ¼cupfinely chopped red onion
  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. In a small bowl, combine the cottage cheese, mayonnaise, parsley, and onion. Add several generous turns with your pepper grinder. Stir well and serve with cut up raw vegetables and/or crackers.

Easy Cottage Cheese Dip - Mom's Kitchen Handbook Recipes (5)

05.16.2011 at5:38 PM #


I remember this well as a favorite growing up! Enjoy!


07.07.2014 at4:07 PM #


Umm like cottage chesee Give me a gallon of milk and I will make for you 2 lbs of fresh organic cottage chesee. I think its pretty good actually.


07.05.2017 at11:58 PM #

Sandy Bethany

Looming forward to reading more


04.18.2019 at9:22 PM #


I make a cottage cheese dip with just cottage cheese and salsa. Very good on tortilla chips but on veggies too


04.18.2019 at9:22 PM #

Katie Morford

Will have to try it your way, too!


07.08.2020 at11:37 AM #


a trainer once turned me onto a ‘perfect’ quick dinner…Baked potato, add cottage cheese & top w/salsa…delicious & good for you..!


07.08.2020 at11:37 AM #

Katie Morford

Cottage cheese on baked potatoes was a staple in my 20s. I never thought to add salsa, but it sounds tasty.


09.02.2021 at9:22 PM #


This sounds yummy! I would substitute cilantro for parsley.


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Easy Cottage Cheese Dip - Mom's Kitchen Handbook Recipes (2024)


Is honey and cottage cheese good? ›

This Whipped Honey Cottage Cheese Parfait is a delicious healthy dessert recipe. I love my sweets but I like to pack them with nutrients when I can. This parfait is high in protein, probiotics and vitamins.

Can you whip cottage cheese in a blender? ›

directions. Place the cheese in a food processor or blender, I use a magic bullet blender for this. Blitz until all the curds are broken up and the mixture appears smooth. Place in a bowl and garnish with black pepper.

What is cottage cheese made of? ›

Cottage cheese is made from the curds of various levels of pasteurized cow's milk, including nonfat, reduced-fat, or regular milk. It's also offered in different curd sizes, including small, medium, or large, and is available in creamed, whipped, lactose-free, reduced sodium, or sodium-free varieties.

What is the best thing to mix with cottage cheese? ›

The cheese's texture lends itself well to simple toppings, like a drizzle of olive oil, but textural pops like crunchy chips and juicy tomatoes work well as a fun change if you feel like you're stuck in a CC rut. Other mix-in ideas from our readers included crumbled bacon, Kalamata olives, and salsa.

Why do you have to eat cottage cheese before bed? ›

Here's where metabolic magic happens: The amount of muscle our body has is one of the primary drivers in determining how many calories we burn each day. "Other research supports that cottage cheese before bed actually does increase metabolism the next morning," Reaver says.

What does cottage cheese do for your stomach? ›

Besides the reasons outlined above, cottage cheese may help with gut health. Since it is often fermented, (a process that helps remove the cheese curds from the liquid) cottage cheese may contain “good” bacteria called probiotics. Snodgrass says probiotics are “crucial” to good digestion.

What seasoning to put on cottage cheese? ›

Savory Cottage Cheese Toppings

Give cottage cheese a drizzle of your best olive oil, flaky sea salt, and freshly ground black pepper. Caprese: Dice fresh tomatoes and chop basil, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic reduction, and add a dash of salt and pepper to make a "caprese" cottage cheese salad.

What's better, Greek yogurt or cottage cheese? ›

So far, these two high-protein snacks are neck in neck when considering protein, calcium and calories. But one clear distinction steers the choice: Cottage cheese can be loaded with sodium. Just 1 cup of cottage cheese can deliver 8 to 9 times the sodium found in Greek yogurt.

Will cottage cheese melt in a sauce? ›

Cottage cheese does not melt like some other types of cheese when cooked. It has a high moisture content and a curd-like texture, which prevents it from melting into a smooth, gooey consistency. This recipe blends the cottage cheese into the tomato sauce for a smoother consistency.

How to make cottage cheese texture better? ›

Place the cottage cheese in a food processor and blend for about 30 seconds. Stop and scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula. If you don't have a food processor, you can use a blender, but you might have to scrape down the sides a few times to make sure it is blending it completely.

What are the pros and cons of eating cottage cheese? ›

The takeaway. Cottage cheese is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals like calcium, which are important nutrients for continued good health. However, the sodium in cottage cheese might work against the benefits. As with anything, moderation is key.

What is California style cottage cheese? ›

Companies have code words for the size of their curds and the texture of their product. California-style (Friendship, a New York dairy, uses this expression) refers to a drier cottage cheese, Vermont-style (as in Cabot Creamery) refers to a creamy mixture with defined curds.

Is it OK to eat cottage cheese every day? ›

This fad diet provides quick weight loss by using cottage cheese as the basis for your meals. While it is safe for most people to eat cottage cheese every day, it should not be consumed to the extent that you exclude other food groups. Also, some types of cottage cheese contain high amounts of sodium and/or sugar.

Is it OK to heat up cottage cheese? ›

Cottage cheese will melt somewhat when heated, though not entirely, and the curds will become incorporated into the eggs, adding a rich and creamy consistency.

Is cottage cheese healthy for you? ›

Is cottage cheese healthy? Cottage cheese is low in calories while providing protein and vital nutrients, Zumpano says, making it one of the healthiest cheeses you can eat. It's made by curdling pasteurized (sterilized) cow's milk — when milk turns acidic, the milk protein separates and forms curds (clumps).


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.