Everything You Need to Know About Loop Returns (2024)

Founded in 2017, as a returns management platform, Loop Returns has emerged as a leading player in the industry. Its tailored approach specifically designed for Shopify merchants has resonated with businesses seeking efficient and user-friendly return management solutions.

Loop Returns' primary goal is to transform returns into exchanges, encouraging customers to explore alternative products rather than simply requesting refunds. One distinctive feature provided by Loop Returns is the ability for customers to leverage QR-code return drop-offs. This convenient option empowers customers to return their products hassle-free by simply scanning a QR code, eliminating the need to print shipping labels.

In this detailed report, you'll easily find all the information you need to know about Loop Returns. To provide a better introduction to its features, we will explore the capabilities, benefits, and drawbacks of Loop Returns as a top-notch returns management software in the following sections:

  1. Returns Management
  2. Returns Reason
  3. Exchange Management
  4. Warranty Management
  5. Fulfillment
  6. Return Resolutions
  7. Eligibility Rules
  8. Return Notifications
  9. Branded Returns Page
  10. Analytics
  11. Return Fraud Management
  12. Third-Party Integrations
  13. Data Security

Selecting the right return platform is essential for the success of your eCommerce business. These Features will help you learn more about Loop Returns.If you're interested in a detailed comparison between Loop Returns and AfterShip Returns, you can check out our Loop Returns vs AfterShip Returns comparison page for more information, which will assist you in choosing the best one for your needs.

Returns Management

Returns management refers to the process of handling and controlling product returns within a business. It involves various activities aimed at efficiently managing returned products, including their inspection, documentation, categorization, and disposition. To manage all returns effectively, a returns software should has a admin portal and be configured with various additional functions.

Loop Returns offers the majority of return management features, but their return management dashboard is only available in English and does not include the option to export return request CSV files.

Available Features of Loop Returns

  • Admin Portal
    An admin portal allows authorized personnel to manage and oversee the returns process.
  • Return Request Filtering
    Allows support team to filter and sort incoming return requests based on specific criteria.
  • Multi-Currency Support
    Administrators can process return requests and issue refunds or store credits in the currency originally used for the purchase.
  • Return request or label expiration
    Refers to a time limit imposed on customers for initiating return requests. After the expiration period, customers may no longer be eligible to request a return or generate a return shipping label.
  • Shopify Resolution Tagging
    Feature specific to returns management software integrated with the Shopify platform. It allows administrators to tag return requests with specific resolutions within the admin portal.
  • Edit RMA
    Permits administrators to make modifications or updates to existing RMA records.

Unavailable Features of Loop Returns

  • RMA CSV Export
    Enables administrators to export return authorization data in CSV format, so you can format the data customizely or import it to another system.
  • Admin portal - Multi-Language Support
    Offers multi-languages supports for international merchants/customers.


Know more about returns management.

Returns Reason

The concept of returns reason in the context refers to a feature within returns management software, that allows the classification and organization of different reasons for product returns. It helps businesses understand the underlying causes of return requests and enables them to make informed decisions regarding their products or services.

Loop Returns incorporates most of these functions, which include:

  • Returns Reasons by Group
    Classify return reasons into different groups or categories.
  • Return Sub-Reasons
    Further detailed sub-categories within each return reason group that provides additional granularity and specificity to the return reason.
  • Return Reason Multi-Language Support
    Capability of the returns management software to accommodate multiple languages for capturing return reasons.
  • Mandatory Comment and Photo Upload
    Requires customers to provide a comment or description along with photo uploads while initiating a return.

Exchange Management

Exchange management is a function within the returns management system that focuses on facilitating product exchanges in an eCommerce platform. It involves various features and capabilities aimed at providing a smooth and efficient exchange process for customers.

One key aspect of exchange management is the availability of exchanges on the platform. Another essential feature is the concept of instant exchange. This functionality allows customers to swiftly exchange their product for a replacement without waiting for the original item to be returned and processed. Exchange order tracking empowers customers to monitor the status and progress of their exchange order within the returns management software.

Regarding the performance of the Loop Returns in this feature, it appears to offer robust capabilities for managing exchanges across multiple platforms. Its integration with Stripe and Shopify strengthens the exchange hold and charge process, ensuring that merchants or retailers are adequately protected during exchanges. However, their tracking experience is still in beta.

  • Exchanges Available Platform
    Only Shopify/Shopify Plus.
  • Instant Exchange
    Allows customers to swiftly exchange a product for a replacement without waiting for the original item to be returned and processed.
  • Exchange Order Tracking
    Requires 3PL/Integration.
  • Incentives
    Rewards or benefits offered to customers as a way to encourage and incentivize them to choose exchange.
    - Carry Over Past Discounts;
    - Extra Credit via Fixed Amount;
    - Extra Credit via Percentage;
    - Free Shipping

Warranty Management

In some cases, when a defective product is returned to the merchant, appropriate measures such as repair can be taken if it is still covered by the warranty.

While Loop Returns receives accolades for its exceptional returns experience, it's worth noting that some former clients have expressed concerns about the company's pace in adding new, innovative features. Specifically in terms of warranty management, Loop Returns has not yet built a working warranty solution and is still in beta.


In the context of returns management, Fulfillment refers to the process of efficiently handling returned items and ensuring a smooth and satisfactory experience for both the customer and the business. It involves various functions aimed at streamlining operations and maintaining inventory accuracy.

Loop Returns is a software solution that effectively fulfills these functions. Let's explore each aspect:

  • Auto-Create New Shopify Order
    Automatically generate a new order in the Shopify platform when processing a return without manual intervention.
  • Inventory Data Sync
    Enables seamless synchronization of inventory information between various systems or platforms.
  • Minimum Inventory Threshold
    Allows businesses to set a minimum inventory level for each item to ensure smooth operations and prevent stockouts.
  • Fulfillment Hold/Control
    Allows businesses to temporarily pause or manage the fulfillment process for specific orders.

Return Resolutions

Returns resolutions refer to the methods and processes employed by a company or seller to handle returns of products or services. It encompasses various approaches and actions taken to efficiently manage the return process and address customer concerns.

In the context of returns resolutions, Loop Returns performs well with a relatively rich set of features, excluding Instant Refund. While Loop Returns may not offer this specific feature, it likely provides other comprehensive functionalities to streamline the returns process, including automated notifications, tracking, streamlined communication, and processing of refunds or replacements. These features contribute to an effective returns resolutions system, enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Available Features of Loop Returns

  • Return Resolution
    The ways in which returns of products or services are handled by a company or seller.
    - Refund to Original Payment;
    - Refund to Store Credit;
    - Replace with the Same Item;
    - Exchange for Other Items;
    - Gift Returns
  • Automatic Out-of-Stock Resolutions
    Processes put in place by retailers to handle situations where a customer places an order for a product that is currently out of stock.
  • Conditional Resolutions
    Conditional resolution of return refers to the process of setting specific conditions or criteria that must be met in order to determine the appropriate action to take when processing a return. This approach allows for more customized and granular decision-making based on various factors.
    - Stackable And/Or Conditions;
    - Stackable Resolutions;
    - By Routing Zone;
    - By Product SKU, Tag, or Type;
    - By Order Tag;
    - By Return Reason;
    - Charge a Fee

Unavailable Features of Loop Returns

  • Instant Refund
    The customer receives their money back almost immediately after initiating the return.

Eligibility Rules

Eligibility rules, in the context of returns management, refer to predefined criteria that are used to determine whether a returned item is eligible for acceptance and refund. These rules help establish clear guidelines and criteria for evaluating returned items, ensuring consistency and fairness in the returns process.

The function of eligibility rules is to provide a structured framework to evaluate returned items based on specific conditions and criteria. By defining these rules, businesses can effectively manage their return processes and make informed decisions regarding which products are eligible for acceptance and refund.

Regarding Loop Returns, it can basically implement all aspects of this function. The software offers features designed to simplify returns management, including implementing eligibility rules, managing return windows, allowing bundled and partial returns, and maintaining block lists. But there is no way to manage allowlists/exceptions lists.

Available Features of Loop Returns

  • Return Window
    Sets the timeframe within which a customer is eligible to return an item for various reasons.
    - Fulfillment Date;
    - Order Date;
    - Delivery Date;
    - Conditional by Resolution / Product Tag or Type / Event Date
  • Eligibility Rules
    Predefined criteria that determine whether a returned item is eligible for acceptance and refund.
    - Limit to One SKU per Request;
    - Customizable Filtering Questions
  • Bundle & Partial Returns
    Allows customers to return individual items from the original bundled purchase, rather than returning the entire order.
  • Blocklist
    Referred to as a blacklist, is a list of items or customers that are prohibited from being accepted for returns.
    - Order Tag;
    - Product Type;
    - Product Tag;
    - Customer Email;
    - Customer Return Count;
    - SKU;
    - Discount Code

Unavailable Features of Loop Returns

  • Allowlist/Exception List
    List of items or customers that are given special permissions or exemptions regarding returns.

Returns Notifications

Returns notifications refer to automated emails sent to customers and internal stakeholders to provide information and updates regarding the status of returned products. These notifications serve several functions and are an integral part of a comprehensive returns management system.

Loop Returns encompasses all these aspects of returns notifications. It offers extensive customization options for return notification emails, allowing businesses to adapt the content, visuals, and triggers as needed. The software supports white-labeling, ensuring a consistent brand experience without any visible mention of the software provider. Additionally, Loop Returns facilitates sending multi-language emails to cater to customers in different zones. The software enables internal merchant notifications, enabling important alerts to be shared within the organization. Lastly, it provides various email types triggered by returns statuses, keeping customers informed at each stage.

With these capabilities, Loop Returns has basic language localization settings while offering flexibility and convenience to businesses. It has plenty of notification triggers and email templates but relies on a third party called Mailgun to send out notifications.

  • Customizable Return Notification Emails
    Enables to customize email content (triggers, visuals and contents).
  • Remove Solution Branding
    White-labeling, allows remove the software branding.
  • Multi-Language Emails
    Sends multi-language emails to customers of different zones.
  • Internal Merchant Notifications
    Allows you to send important return alerts to yourself and other members of your organization.
  • Email Types (Returns Status)
    Returns emails are typically triggered in response to specific statuses and are sent automatically.
    - Return Request Received / Approved / Rejected;
    - Return Reminder;
    - Exchange Charge Reminder;
    - Return Request Expired;
    - Items Returned;
    - Request Resolved


Know more about returns notifications.

Branded Returns Page

The branded returns page is a dedicated web page that facilitates and streamlines the process of returning products for customers. It serves as an interface between the customer, the e-commerce website, and the support team, providing a cohesive and personalized experience. The main function of the branded returns page is to offer a seamless and user-friendly platform for customers to initiate and manage their returns.

Based on the information provided, Loop Returns encompasses most of the mentioned functions of a branded returns page; however, it lacks the specific ability of embedded returns. As for supporting a chat box, it was not explicitly mentioned whether Loop Returns offers this feature. Additional research or contacting Loop Returns directly would be necessary to confirm its support for a chat box within the returns process.

Available Features of Loop Returns

  • Page Editor
    Allows users to customize and edit the branded returns page according to their specific branding requirements.
  • Multi-Language Support
    Supports multi-languages returns page for customers.
  • Custom Domain with SSL
    Allows users to set up a custom domain which includes SSL encryption.
  • Google Analytics Tracking
    Allows users to monitor and track various metrics related to the returns page.
  • Remove Solution Provider Branding
    White-labeling, allows remove the software branding.

Unavailable Features of Loop Returns

  • Embedded Returns
    Integrate the returns process directly into the user's own eCommerce website instead of redirecting customers to a separate returns page.


Know more about branded return page.


Returns analytics refers to the process of analyzing and interpreting data related to product returns in order to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. It involves utilizing various tools and techniques to examine key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics associated with returns, ultimately aiming to optimize the returns process and improve overall customer satisfaction.

While Loop Returns offers an analytics dashboard and benchmarking, it does not export data in CSV or explicitly mention report emailing functionality.

Available Features of Loop Returns

  • Analytics Dashboard
    A visual representation of KPIs and metrics that provide a snapshot view of important data and analytics in a concise and accessible manner.
  • Analytics Benchmarking
    Involves comparing performance metrics against established standards or industry benchmarks.
  • Reports Types
    Provides report like upsell revenue, return reason to gain insights.
    - Revenue Recaptured;
    - Upsell Revenue;
    - Return Requests & Rate;
    - Return Resolutions;
    - Return Reasons;
    - Resolution Time

Unavailable Features of Loop Returns

  • CSV Export/Download
    Exports and dowload returns data in CSV format.


Know more about returns analytics.

Return Fraud Management

Return fraud management, as a feature within returns management, refers to the processes and strategies employed by retailers to identify and mitigate fraudulent activities associated with product returns. It involves implementing measures to detect and prevent fraudulent returns, safeguarding the interests of both the retailer and legitimate customers.

It aims to address various types of fraudulent activities, such as:

  1. Return fraud: This includes instances where individuals attempt to return stolen or counterfeit items, use fake receipts, or exploit loopholes in return policies to obtain a refund or store credit dishonestly.
  2. Wardrobing: Also known as "renting" or "wardrobe renting," wardrobing occurs when customers purchase an item with the intent to use it temporarily, often for a special event or occasion, and then return it for a full refund afterward, essentially treating the retailer as a rental service.
  3. Counterfeit returns: Some dishonest individuals may attempt to substitute counterfeit products for genuine ones when making a return, hoping to deceive the retailer and receive a refund or replacement.

To effectively manage return fraud, retailers typically implement a combination of proactive and reactive measures. Proactive measures involve establishing clear return policies, conducting employee training on fraud detection, and implementing systems that help flag suspicious return patterns or behaviors. Retailers may also leverage technology, such as using barcode scanning or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags, to track product authenticity.

Loop Returns does not explicitly mention this feature, which might suggest that it does not offer dedicated toold to address return fraud.

Third-Party Integrations

Third-party integrations refer to the capability of a software or platform to connect and interact with external systems, services, or tools provided by third-party technology providers. These integrations enable businesses to extend the functionality of their primary software or platform by incorporating additional features, services, or data from external sources.

Loop Returns is available exclusively on Shopify and Shopify Plus. While it is limited to these platforms, Loop Returns offers a range of functionalities through its integration with various tech partners and convenient APIs. It supports integration with EasyPost, which is a required third-party shipping broker, allowing users to connect with 9 different carriers for their shipping needs.

Available Features of Loop Returns

Carriers Integration
9 carriers that integrated with the software.
eCommerce Platforms
Integrates into only Shopify & Shopify Plus.
Tech Partners & Solutions
8 third-party technology providers that offer complementary services or products (Klaviyo, Gorgias, Zendesk, etc).
3PLs & Warehouses
Integrates with warehouse management systems (ShipHero; ShipBob).
Webhook Connection
Allows the software to receive instant notifications or triggers when certain events occur, and to react promptly and automate subsequent actions based on these events.
Returns API
With a returns API, businesses can build their own integrations, automate processes, retrieve return data, and perform various actions within the returns management system, all through standardized programming interfaces.

Unavailable Features of Loop Returns

Custom eCommerce Platform
Tailor-made online store solution specifically built for a business's unique requirements.

Data Security

Data security refers to the measures and practices implemented to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. It encompasses a range of technologies, processes, and policies designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and privacy of data.

Available Features of Loop Returns

  • SOC2
    High standards of security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy as set by the Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2).
  • GDPR
    A set of regulations that was implemented in the European Union (EU) to enhance data protection and privacy rights for individuals.

Unavailable Features of Loop Returns

  • ISO27001
    A globally recognized framework for managing and protecting sensitive information.


Loop is a returns and exchange platform designed for brands using Shopify. As of April 2023, it does not provide additional in-house eCommerce solutions. However, it integrates with third-party providers to manage various touchpoints. To create a comprehensive post-purchase experience, users might need to invest in these supplementary platforms, which could incur additional costs and require significant implementation time to streamline data across different systems.

Learn more about choosing the best returns management software in 2024.

Everything You Need to Know About Loop Returns (2024)


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