Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (2024)

3,108 reviews679 followers

March 8, 2022

I'm late to this party, but I'll echo numerous other reviewers and say: This book is kickass!

I love the concept of seven brothers, all sons of fallen angels, who personify the seven deadly sins.

Galen (Wrath) is the MC in the first installment and finds his mate in Simon, a good-natured human who runs an antique shop.

There's plenty of action, banter, and smexy times.

The last few chapters are intense! I mean, Simon was going to be roasted with onions (literally!). That's what you get when you take on Lucifer (or rather, his son, freed from the ring that bound him).

Also, Gray (cuddly lil' Sloth) is the cutest, and I want to live in that gorgeous seaside mansion. The views alone are WOW.

One criticism: The book could have been some 25 percent shorter and all the more interesting for it.

Moving on to Castor's book next.

    comfort-healing fantasy-magic-supes m-m

Mariam, the clown

650 reviews501 followers

June 28, 2022

This book was what I wanted Necessary Evils from Onley James to be, but soooo much better.

I wanna thank my absolute bestie Llakshmi for coming to hear me screaming about the softest moments, wanting to throw a glass at Simon, and having a gay panic at Galen's Marshmello heart. You're the absolute best. She's the one who brought attention the series to me and when I thought, eh, I saw her rating and then I was, yeah let's do it. Love you to pieces 😘

Honestly, I didn't expect to love this series as much I thought I ever would and hell, when I started this book, I thought it was going be medicore and dry af.


“Take what you want,” he murmured against my throat as I rode him. “Make me yours.”
I wanna say, this book does involve instalove. I don't care if it's a spoiler or not, but you should preface the knowledge that yes, there's an “instant connection” from the get go, and let me tell you, as the story evolves and their connection grows, people, it's 🤌 powerful 🤌

Like I said, it's what I wanted Unhinged by Onley James to be because that book also involved Insta Love and Insta Connection, but that book and the connection between those characters just felt so forced and superficial.

But Galen and Simon? Whole new different level.

I loved watching how Galen physically tried to protect his heart from Simon and did everything he could to shield himself and build walls, but his soul just couldn't resist the other man.

“This is why being with you scares me, Simon. My body aches for yours. My lips yearn to taste you. My hands long to touch your soft skin. You calm the anger inside my veins.”

It's been a while since I read anything but contemporary and omg, how am I reminded how much I missed and love this genre.
I read this book primarily because I love this concept. There's so little books that plays the concept of the personified seven sins, and even fewer in the MM romance genre, that when I heard about this book, I was super interested! And angels! Where has this book been my whole life??

And this book didn't stutter in showing the depth of how the Nephilims works and operated and it's so heartwarming to see that despite these men being raised as a killing machine and the warriors of humanity, they held tender moments, filled their home with laughter and warmth, and tended and protected each other until their last breath.

I stared at his long dark lashes and how they cast shadows on the tops of his cheeks. I traced the curve of his strong jaw and then touched his full bottom lip. He was devastating in his beauty, an ancient warrior who’d seen civilizations rise and fall. The son of a fallen angel who only wanted to prove—to himself and others—that he was different than the cruel male who’d fathered him. He was protective and kind. He made me feel warm and safe. Cherished.

Don't get me wrong, this book wasn't perfect. I think the only thing that annoyed me the most in the beginning was Simon. I wanted to throw a bucket at Simon sometimes to wack some sense into him. I love how he wanted to protect my Nephilim Angels, but he did it in a way that just sometimes... it made me wince. Like you know how you see couples and them indulging in PDA. It's like Simon, you can admire the love two people share, just like Simon's strength, but you also cringe at their over PDA, just like you wanting to yell at Simon, BITCH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

But his character growth? His arc of his character throughout this book? 👏 Bestie vibes PUHLEASE 👏

I smiled against my will. Was this what love was supposed to feel like? Scary, confusing, exhilarating, and warm all at once?

And Galen, my marshmallow, grumpy and beastlike Wrath. I adore him.
His inner struggle was so tangible, so heartfelt and breathtaking in it's devastation. Watching his character grow throughout the book made my heart bloom because I cheered on the damn sidelines people watching my marshmallow melt into a puddle. But don't mistake that he won't rip your throat out if go near Simon 😉

“Water is made up of countless memories,” Galen said. “It travels from place to place, absorbing knowledge and emotions. Your father was right when he said the sea listens. And then it keeps your secrets safe.”

And also, I want to EMPHASIZE that I was low-key scared and pulled this book off because I thought I wouldn't get much ass-cheek slapping moments but the blend of the tender moments, the action scenes and the rough break-the-headboard scenes was ✨ perfect ✨The pacing of this book was spot on.

All in all, the longer this book went on, the better it got. Sure it may be rocky and a bit cliche at the beginning, but once you reach the middle point, I got attached to the characters and I haven't looked back since.

“When I’m with you, I can breathe so much easier. My soul feels lighter. I say I can let you go, that I can keep you at a distance, but the truth is, I crave you like I’ve never craved anyone else. And the thought of you leaving pains me. It’s why, deep down, I know I’m f*cked.”

Goodreads Rating: 4 ⭐
Official Rating: 4.25 ⭐

And now I'm obsessed with my Nephilim warriors and this series but I'm so keen to read book 2 but BITCH, I got an arc for Egotistical Puckboys last night!!! What should I do best friends???!!!

I thought it would be fun to rank my favorite Nephilim warriors with each book, and see how I progress.
7. Gray
6. Raiden
5. Castor
4. Bellamy
3. Galen
2. Alastair
✨ 1. Daman ✨


[reread 1: Jun 27-28, 2022] I love how this book took me less than 8 hours to read, took me 24 HOURS to read on a paperback.
Oh, and also, Simon Parks,? I HATE U.

    2-favorite-series because-villains-do-it-better fantas-y-tical-love

Kati *☆・゚

829 reviews373 followers

December 19, 2023

4.25**** stars

I know I'm late to the party but at least I can binge-read them all now.

Your presence calms the beast inside my veins.

Great introduction into the series, the characters and this whole world. I liked Galen (Wrath) and Simon as well as their romance a whole lot and I loved meeting all the seven Fallen Angels that represent the seven deadly sins. They are all a very entertaining bunch.

And omg, isn’t Gray just ADORABLE??!! Really, I love him. But what I can’t see is how it’ll be possible for him being in a relationship/romance. *lmaooo I’m very curious about book #4. Other than that, I am already DYING for certain books (★) in this series and CAN’T WAIT TO GET TO THEM!!!

Also, I think this is one of those books where the audio added A LOT to the story —thanks to Nick J. Russo’s strong performance.

side note: To date books #1 to #5 are available on audio and I hope the last ones join them soon too.


Sons of the Fallen Series

Book 1 - Galen - 4.25 stars
Book 2 - Castor - 3.5 stars
Book 3 - Daman - 4.25 stars
Book 4 - Gray - saved for later
Book 5 - Bellamy - 4.5 stars ♡
Book 6 - Raiden - 3.75 stars
Book 7 - Alastair - 4.0 stars
Book 7.5 - Beyond the Storm - wait for audio

    audio-nick-j-russo paranormal


2,271 reviews560 followers

March 13, 2022

4.5 Stars

Sons of the Fallen is an M/M themed PNR series, following seven half-angel, immortal warriors, who spend eternity protecting humanity from the demon scourge, each representing the life embodiment of the seven deadly sins... Yeah, with themes like these, this was always going to be a sure-fire hit with me.

This felt like if Lucifer (the TV series) was blended with Kenyon’s legendary Dark Hunter series, shaken and stirred with a cast of deliciously heroic and brooding queer men, who think they can’t find and keep true love, but are about to be proven wrong in the most spectacular fashion.

This first book focuses on Galen—the embodiment of WRATH. He’s got a temper on him, no doubt, but he will literally lay his life on the line for his brothers and the lives of the unknowing humans he works tirelessly to keep safe each night on the hunt.

But when Galen crosses paths with human antiques dealer, Simon, ultimately rescuing him from a deadly demon attack and taking him into protective custody, of sorts, Galen begins to face challenges he’s long since desperately avoided—challenges of the heart (the best kind!).

Simon and Galen’s opposites-attract love story was great fun to read. Their relationship was romantic and sexy in all the right ways, but the larger cast of characters and the grander story arc with the big demon threat on humanity, was also perfectly pitched and exciting in its manifestation.

Undoubtedly, Gray, the sleepy-sweet embodiment of sloth, was my absolute favourite character, but I really enjoyed reading about Simon and Galen and each of Galen’s “brothers,” as all their contrasting personalities came to life on page.

This, predictably, will be one of those easy-to-devour series, where each story’s protagonists will be more appealing than the last, and now that I’m invested, I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!

    angels-and-demons best-couples book-boyfriends

Imme van Gorp

650 reviews894 followers

March 4, 2023

|| 2.5 stars ||

I've got mixed feelings on this because there were certain things I liked, but also certain things I didn't.

Let's start with what I did like: I really enjoyed the general idea of this book and series. The world-building is interesting, the plotline caught and held my attention, and I definitely love the family dynamic the 'brothers' have going on. The idea with each of the brothers representing the Seven Deadly Sins was something I found very cool, and can't wait to see explored further.

What I didn't like, however, was the romantic relationship in this book.
Simon and Galen had a complete insta-love connection, and I never really saw them bond or get to know each other better. It was like they both randomly loved each other, and that was that.
Nonetheless, even though they are both head-over-heels in love with each other, there is still a constant string of 'f*ck-and-leave' going on between them. Galen refuses to fall in love, so he keeps Simon at bay 'emotionally', but they do have sex all the time.
I don't like those type of love stories: Either just accept you are falling in love or at least don't have sex, and instead let the tension simmer. But the way it was now, with the sex and no feelings (even though they did have feelings, so it was stupid as well), it feels kinda... cheap to me. Especially since the sex was non-stop.
The whole relationship had no emotional factor for me and really bored me most of the time.

The characters were fun. Mostly the secondary characters, though. Simon and Galen were once again not all that interesting to me. Simon especially; I feel like all he did was ask questions, and that was like his entire personality.
Out of the secondary characters I loved Gray the most. He is so cute and adorable, and I cannot wait to read his book. Daman and Bellamy have not gotten a lot of attention in this book yet, but they did both peek my interest quite a lot. Raiden and Castor seem sweet albeit a bit bland, and Alastair is kinda mweh.

Considering I do like the plotline, characters and general idea of this series, and my dislike lay more with this book's couple, I still have faith in this series as a whole.

'Sons of the Fallen' series:
1. Galen - 2.5 stars
3. Daman - 4.5 stars
4. Gray - 3.5 stars
5. Bellamy - 3.0 stars
6. Raiden - 2.5 stars
7. Alastair - 3.0 stars

    1st-person-pov angels dual-pov


685 reviews1,403 followers

July 10, 2023

dnf @ 40%. the whole set up and the world building seemed cool overall, but sadly neither of the mcs were graced with a personality...

    dnf i-am-a-monsterf*cker lgbtq

Ben Howard

1,198 reviews155 followers

February 29, 2024

When an artefact bought at auction is stolen from Simon's store, it pulls him into the supernatural world. Galen a super hot half-angel is the culprit, stealing the powerful artefact to stop it from falling into the wrong hands. But demons have tracked it to Simon's store and attack him. Now Simon's in the know about the paranormal, and a connection with Galen stops him from letting Simon's memory be wiped.

Galen and Simon's romance was fun. They have some nice banter and following Simon was a good way to introduce us to this supernatural world. There's some angst but not too much, the main thing causing the conflict being that Simon is human and mortal while Galen is an immortal being.

Galen and his brothers are Nephilim, half-angels and are each cursed with one of the deadly sins. Galen's being Wrath. Each brother gets his own book and romance, but there is an overarching storyline about the conflict with demons so make sure to read in order.

Sons of the Fallen

Book 1: Galen - 4 stars
Book 2: Castor - 3 stars
Book 3: Daman - 4.5 stars
Book 4: Gray - 2.5 stars
Book 5: Bellamy - 3.5 stars
Book 6: Raiden - 4 stars
Book 7: Alastair - 4 stars
Book 7.5: Beyond the Storm

    audiobook read-in-2024

♧ Loulou ♧ Free Palestine ♡

1,163 reviews

June 27, 2021

Well this book was a pleasant surprise for me. I love books about demons, angels and the like and this book hit a lot of my boxes!

Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (9)

What I loved:

1. The Characters:
Galen the Nephilim- i.e. half angel- is the personification of Wrath, one of the seven deadly sins. he has sworn off love for hundreds of years after he suffered a devastating loss. What he didn't count on, was meeting Simon, who would tilt his world off its axis. #TookMeBySurprise
Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (10)

Simon the antique shop owner had a quiet life. He wanted to take a break from dating after one too many less-than-perfect dates. Then a giant of a man comes into his shop and straight into his heart. Simon is more powerful than he know, because he could be the one to tame Wrath. #MoreThanTheEyeCanSee
Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (11)

2. The Plot:
This is an overarching plot that will be concluded by book 7, following all the seven brothers, i.e the 7 sins. in this book, we get to know the seven brothers, the sins they present and the big baddie who wants to kill them all, angels, Nephilim and humans alike. Through it all, Galen and Simon grow closer together and find out how they both need each other. #CloseProximity
[image error]

3. The Romance:
Galen is insistent not to fall for Simon, even with the unmistakable connection he felt from the moment he laid his eyes on him. on the other hand, Simon tries hard not to fall for Galen because in his min, What would someone like Galen see in someone in him? That, and knowing that Galen doesn't want an relationship. Too bad both of them didn't really have a choice and fell for each other regardless. #ItWasFate
Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (12)

4. Steam-o-meter: Steamy!! Dudes the scenes were extremely hot and I was a happy camper for it. #PantiesWentPoof
Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (13)

5. Angst-o-meter: Medium angst. Some between the MCs and some from the outside. #DramaLlama
Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (14)

6. POV: Dual POV in first person. #MeMyselfAndI
Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (15)

7. The HEA:
The couple in this book get their HEA... which is HOT btw, but the plot is not done. #ForEternity
Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (16)

Galen's push and pull got a bit tedious for me, but he pulled his head out of ass eventually. Thank goodness.

    age-gap angels best-heas


1,088 reviews367 followers

June 19, 2021

I liked this take on the angels/demons theme. It was a bit insta-lovey for me, but that's usually better tolerated in paranormal. I'll continue with this series.

    2021 mm-romance moderate-steam

Rina Pride

306 reviews87 followers

April 21, 2022

3.7 stars
I love books with angels and demons! They're always very interesting when it's well written. I've read many books with this theme, Galen didn't present me with much news, but it was a good story

The only characters I could like were Galen and Simon, i found the other characters very forced. Another thing that got to me was... Not having a black Nephelim, the only one with brown skin was daman? Nephelim all pattern of white skin and blond hair, redhead.

Don't MM writers see beauty in black men? I get bored with that.

. Apart from my annoyance, I enjoyed the romance.


246 reviews317 followers

January 14, 2024

***4.0 rating***

This was a fantastic intro to the Sons of the Fallen series. I loved all the "brothers". Simon was a sweetie pie. Him and Galen were perfect. I cannot believe I waited so long to read this series smh.

Book 2 is gonna be read probably sometime this week or next.

L Ann

569 reviews135 followers

February 11, 2022

Let me begin by saying my opinion of this story is in the minority so please take everything I say with a whole bag of salt.

From the beginning I thought Simon was annoying and while he did grow on me a little I still couldn’t get over how ridiculously bewildered and dumbstruck he became after learning anything new about Galen, his brothers, or paranormal beings in general. I understand his initial shock after being attacked by shades and healed by men claiming to be nephilim but after that you’d think he’d be able to accept that there was more to the world than he realized and process new information a little better than he did. I was so sick of hearing him tell Galen that he couldn’t believe he was really a nephilim or that demons actually existed, or how he thought he might be in a dream or actually dead. When he fainted after seeing angel wings for the first time I literally had to stop reading and give myself a few minutes because I was about to dnf right there. And GOOD. LORD. his questions and tactless comments! I get that the author used his questions as a way of passing information to the reader but it only made me dislike him more. She should have come up with a better way of getting her ideas across.

Now, Galen and his brothers…. !!! I loved their personalities, their backstory, how they each represented one of the seven deadly sins, and the way they interacted with each other. The background story concerning the battle between the angels from the celestial realm and the fallen angels (along with their demon accomplices) was interesting enough that by the 60% mark it was the only thing that kept me invested. I wanted to know what was happening with the ring, whose hands it would end up in, and what that meant for all of them.

Ultimately, my biggest gripe with this story is that I never really bought into Galen and Simon’s relationship. I’m no fan of instalove but when done right I can accept it and move on with the rest of the story. In this case it just didn’t work for me… Simon and Galen didn’t seem compatible at all. Galen mentioned that he felt “a connection” with Simon the first time he saw him but that wasn’t enough for me. Their sex scenes were short, consisted of mostly bland descriptions of what they were doing, lacked passion, and felt absolutely unbelievable to me. By the 60% mark I lost interest in their relationship and was already looking forward to reading about Daman, Gray, and Bellamy. 2.5 stars

    2022 monsters-demons-fae


348 reviews14 followers

June 27, 2021

I've read other books from this author before and enjoyed them, so I'm not sure what happened here.

The writing felt extremely choppy and rushed and the pacing was all over the place. There was a lot of telling and inelegant info-dumping.
A lot of the beginning could've been cut easily imo, as it was pretty much exposition thinly disguised as showing - particularly because in the chapter after that, there is the clichĂŠd info-dump scene where the main character learns about the paranormal world by receiving long-winded explanations in-universe... you know, the one that is commonly considered lazy and overdone, but which I can overlook as a necessary plot device - only in this case it's doubly offensive because it only regurgitates information the reader already received in the opening chapters.
There were also long-winded explanations about irrelevant things at around 80% still - and while I can appreciate well-thought out details and world-building, 80% is where I want to see build up to the climax and dramatic action happen, and is definitely not the place to reveal background information, unless it's a critical piece of info for the major plot twist or something.

What also doesn't help is that pretty much nothing of note or particularly interesting happened between like 15%~75%... which I would even be willing to forgive if it was used to believably build the romance - but which it didn't because it was instalove!
It's extremely strange because I feel like considering the epic scope of the plot, it could've easily filled a book twice its length, yet this book manages to feel both rushed (emotionally) and frustratingly snail-paced from a plot perspective.
I feel bad for being so critical but honestly, I have no idea what happened here.

tl;dr: flat, uninteresting characters, inauthentic emotions, instalove, barely-existent plot (and what little plot there was, was extremely predictable).

Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (22)

    genre-paranormal romance-instalove

Cat the bookworm

649 reviews93 followers

September 22, 2023

No idea why I avoided this series for so long - I really had fun with this first book!

I’m keeping this review a bit shorter than usual, because most of you already read this series and they’re nothing that hasn’t been written about it.

Writing (and reading) a first book in a (urban ish) fantasy series isn’t easy. There’s the world building, usually a lot of new characters, and ofc the plot/romance, all of which shouldn’t overwhelm a new reader. I’m happy to say that this author did it beautifully: while the idea of an ongoing war between angels and demons isn’t exactly new, it’s the first time I’ve had nephilim thrown in the mix.

The band of brothers (one of which is Galen, the “wrath”) are distinctive enough, even for a first book, seeing as they each have a character roughly modelled after one of the 7 deadly sins, but still manage to come across as likable.

The other mc is a human, Simon, who owns an antique shop and who one day buys an item at an auction that has angels, nephilim and demons coming after him.

The only thing keeping me from giving it 5 stars is the insta-love/lust thingy, which I’m rarely a fan of, but other than that I loved it.

Another thing that added to my enjoyment: the narration by Nick J Russo, who managed the feat to not only give Simon and Galen distinctive voices, but all the other characters, too, making it really easy to recognize who’s speaking.

Onwards to the next book, knowing that many of you didn’t love it quite as much as book 1.

    2023 audiobook mm-romance


765 reviews87 followers

December 14, 2022

I feel like there was SO much to take in. A lot has been established and started off, and even though I really liked Galen and Simon and their relationship, everything else was kinda distracting me. I'm hoping the next book doesn't feel quite so chaotic.

I absolutely loved Gray though and can't wait for his book.


1,075 reviews40 followers

June 20, 2021


Great introduction to this new series. I loved Simon and Galen together. I really enjoyed the world building and look forward to the next book.

    do-you-believe-in-magic m-m-lgbtqia-plus mystical-creatures

Elena RodrĂ­guez

800 reviews449 followers

January 29, 2023

-Objetivamente : 2 estrellas.
-Subjetivamente+entretenimiento: 4 estrellas.
(La portada no hace justicia).

“You’re kind and gentle despite what you say. You’re a protector. You fight against the anger inside you instead of unleashing it. A monster wouldn’t do that. But a good man would”.

AquĂ­ estoy, sĂ­, riĂŠndome de nuevo de las portadas y acabando enganchada a esta saga de mala manera. A mĂ­, como dice una amiga no se me puede dejar sola porque la lĂ­o y asĂ­ es.

En esta saga tenemos como protagonistas a los siete Nephilim descendientes de los generales de Lucifer. Solo por ser hijos de ellos, se le impuso a cada uno de ellos con uno de lo siete pecados capitales: ira, envidia, lujuria, pereza, avaricia, orgullo y gula. Unido a eso se les entrenĂł como armas para el prĂłximo apocalipsis en el ejercito celestial.

“Angel blood ran through our veins, but we were half human as well. Nephilim. Yet, we were also cursed, bearing the sins of our father so that we’d never forget their crimes”.

En este libro nos cuentan la historia de Galen el cual encarna el pecado de Ira. (Me hace gracia porque siempre que leo sobre los siete pecados en series o novelas, el primero que mencionan siempre es este). Su interĂŠs amoroso-mate me gustĂł mucho, Simon, es como un trozo de pan y siento que hacen muy buena pareja. TambiĂŠn en este libro se nos presenta al resto de personajes y futuros protagonistas. Alerta spoiler: amo a todos.

“We didn’t choose the life of a warrior. It was forced upon us. Be selfish for once. f*ck knows you’ve earned it”.

En cuanto a la novela, como he dicho al inicio desde un punto de vista objetivo le falta desarrollo en general, tambiĂŠn en los personajes y profundidad, pero, me lo he pasado en grande y me ha tenido enganchada de mala manera. AdemĂĄs, que estos libros se leen en dos dĂ­as o tres y otro problema que tengo es que una vez termino uno tengo ganas de leer el siguiente. Eso sĂ­ las portadas ni las miro porque me dan demasiada risa.

Denle una oportunidad, sobre todo cuando estĂŠn en plena bajona lectora o personal porque ayudan bastante, al menos a mĂ­.

“You’re such a mystery, Simons Parks”.

Enay QueerBooklover

432 reviews174 followers

September 18, 2023

I really wanted to love this. I really did. But I just couldn’t connect to the characters. I enjoyed the premise behind the storyline, and I liked the found family & the different brothers. However, I found the connection between the two MCs, human Simon & nephilim Galan (or Wrath) insipid at best. I can’t explain it - the sex just was off for me. I found Galan so hot & cold with Simon that he was just annoying. Constantly telling Simon it was just sex & he was just a complication seemed cruel to me as he led him on.

However, the last 20% of the book, with action & finally love, delivered more enjoyment, and gave me enough to want to keep reading about the other brothers in the rest of the series.


122 reviews33 followers

November 24, 2022

This book was just alright tbh. My favorite parts were definitely getting to know each brother and getting a glimpse into a found family. The romance however… was okay. I liked Simon a lot, but felt that Galen was too hot and cold about his feelings for Simon, which I get is because of his past, but it was irritating. Also their sex scenes were very cringey and felt too insta-lovey.

Will continue on with the series though.


229 reviews68 followers

August 17, 2022

The sixth book it's out!! And I hadn't updated that I already read the books. 🥴 So I only wrote down a few things in my notes. Nothing phenomenal.

-What I loved most was the relationship between the brothers. That friendship and complicity.
-The characterization of each brother. I have a terrible memory. And in the end I knew who was who. I could identify each of them.
-The romance was not the best.
-Funny moments.
-The world is good, but I feel like it can be so much more.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time)

3,969 reviews6,059 followers

Want to read

December 1, 2022

Kindle freebie 12/1/22

    bought-but-haven-t-read-yet free

Gloria (in a slump? idk)

138 reviews202 followers

February 3, 2022

Not me remembering to rate this months after I read it. Take my rating as you'd like 🤡🤡


262 reviews12 followers

July 13, 2021

I usually love any Biblical-inspired urban-fantasy takes so I was quite excited to start on this book. The world building is both familiar and interesting. There's a very intriguing mystery at the beginning and the book promises a great overarching plot.


I was caught in endless amount of info-dumps and non-moving romance. There is no showing in this book, everything is told through never-ending conversations and rehashes.

The 2 MCs were both so unlikeable. Simon, who was introduced as a strong and independant man almost 30 (I think late 20s?), but regresses into more of a 14 year-old girl by the end. Constantly SHOCKED by everything, fainted when he saw angel wings although he was explained about the existence of angels like, 3 times. Doesn't really do or solve anything. He seems to be treated like a dumb-question asker outside of sex scenes.

And Galen, who is neither memorable nor interesting. Just an asshole, really.

They fell in love instantly and spent 90% of the book trying to NOT fall in love. An emotionally exhausting endeavor, but I was determined to stick with the book in favor of experiencing the plot unfold.


The plot turns out to be very predictable. :(

I would recommend this book to those who enjoy a lot of romance. Personally there is way too little plot and way too much romance here for me.

Kaity B

1,558 reviews13 followers

April 24, 2023

Reread/Relisten: April 2023
New rating: 4 stars

It's amazing what a few months will do. haha i really enjoyed this story the second time around. I don't know what changed but something about this reread really was enjoyable. I can't wait to listen to Castor and Kyo's book now! I just wish this whole series was on Audible.. but soon enough haha.

3 ish stars: January 2023

I am interested in the whole angles vs demons thing with them finding their mates along the way.. but something about this made me bored… It took me way long than it should to finish this book, and towards the end I felt I had to force myself to finish.

Galen and Simon, some parts I could feel their connection and others I wanted to skip over the steamy scenes. (Also wing slits…. Not a great description during sex haha so kinda took me out of it when that was described hahahaah 😂🤦🏽‍♀️)

I am interested in Gray (because who isn’t obsessed with that cinnamon roll), Daman, Kyo and most of the other brothers.. although I don’t see the obsession with Alistair…yet.. haha

Nick J Russo narrated the book, and honestly I would have probably dnf’ed it without him narrating. I can’t wait to hear the rest on audio, so I will wait until they come out to finish the series.


305 reviews50 followers

February 6, 2022

This is so good??? this book had no business being this good!!!!

Ok hear me out. I never I was never a fan of instalove but since I started to drown into books with fated mates i just LOVE and with this book it was no different. to tell the truth it was even better you could see that they had a connection
I loved simon and galen and I’m excited to the books of the other brothers.

The premise of seven fallen angels who are the personification of sins? YES.

    2022 lgbtq


1,852 reviews272 followers

June 21, 2021

Galen is an interesting take on the whole angels & demons thing, and I liked it ok, but didn't love it, and I could never keep straight what deadly sin each of them represented. I've read quite a few angel/demon stories lately, that were more my speed, and this one, while fine, seemed to lack the oomph the others had. We'll see if I remember this one by the time book 2 comes out. I hope I do!

    angels-demons dragons fantasy-urban-fantasy


828 reviews102 followers

November 25, 2021

“I love you too, you big grumpy marshmallow.”

🥺😮I'm incapable of coherent thought right now, excuse me.

    av best-sex cold


679 reviews61 followers

March 15, 2022


So happy about Galen, I love all the brothers as well!!!


175 reviews64 followers

January 22, 2022

5 stars! I included a lot of quotes in my review, I just couldn't help myself! Loved everything about this book and how it made me feel while reading it!

"Every single second of every day, I battle against the beast inside me."

I think this describes Galen really well. But does it not describes us all in a small way sometimes too?

Galen is a fallen angel cursed with Wrath. Simon is a human, who runs an antique shop.
So how does these two people's lives intertwine?

"We were the sons of the first seven fallen angels"

❤️ Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth. ❤️
These are our boys!!! Oh my, I can't believe how much I fall in love with all of them! For me in this book we didn't have JUST the two MCs and some support ones. We have 7 brothers!!! 7 main characters!!! I LOVE it when we get a series which follows everyone's story!

"It should've been a heaven, but many days it felt more like a prison."

This is the life of our 7 boys and it broke my heart. Galen is someone who have lived a long, long life. He is a warrior and his life is pretty much this:
"That was my life. Rough sex, fighting demons, trying not to kill my brothers when they piss me off. Repeat."

"Yester, I was just a normal guy running an antique shop. And now I'm in a seaside mansion with seven, allegedly cursed, warriors, thrown into the middle of some war between angels and demons..."

Yep that pretty much sums Galen and Simon at the beginning of this book.

But everything changes from the very moment they met. We have insta love and it wasn't like they fell hard in love from the beginning! So if insta love is not something for you, well in this book it was portrayed in a way that was believable, it progressed through the book and just touched your heart! I think this is one of the best insta love books that I have read! I didn't get the feeling of wtf when did this happen, how they fall in love, when!? No, this was different!

So back to our MC in this book Galen. He is EVERYTHING! He is overprotective, possessive, grumpy, stubborn, playful, angry most of the time, but also kind.

Give me extremely overprotective hero and I'm right there!!! Simon on the other hand is soooo kind, a bit of insecure, brave and such a lovely character that you can't help but fall in love with him! The interaction between the two, the way they complemented each other, all of the feelings! It was perfect for me! I don't want to give major spoilers about the story so I won't tell more about their love.
"They need to create a new class of angelic being. The killjoy angel. He'd be the leader."

Let's not forget to mention that this book was funny too! I loved the interaction between all of the characters, not only between Galen and Simon. I think exactly this made the whole book so good!
"Yeah, well, they're like frat boys on steroids."

Yup, pretty much and that's why I love these amazing, sexy, infuriating, sinful, funny guys!

This is the line that broke my heart. 💔 I had to put it in this review, because it portrayed how not only Alastair felt, but all of our boys at one moment of their lives. When life gets hard, when you try to hold yourself together, but it's still not enough... all you need is one person to reach out to you (in our case 7). I think this is one of the moments in this book that showed how strong the connection between our 7 brothers is.

This book is not only about love, it's about family, found family, friendships, living, hardships, happiness and also about the darkness that is part of us and with which we fight, but also embrace.

I want to thank Jacklyn Osborn for this amazing book and this series! Also thank you @Mariam reading Romance! Girl without you I wouldn't have found this book! ❤️❤️❤️

"My big protective marshmallow." Who doesn't need a Galen in his life!?

P.S. I almost forgot. Since I saw @Mariam reading Romance ranking her favorite Nephilim warriors with each book, I decided to do it too. (Girl we will see when I reach Daman's book whether we will fight for him 😂)

7. Alastair
6. Gray
5. Castor
4. Bell
3. Raiden
2. Daman
1. Galen


martina (chaos version)

561 reviews256 followers

August 8, 2022

reread: 7/8/22
i love this so much. galen is still my favorite book boyfriend.

original review
5 stars don’t feel enough to rate this. i need at least seven.

i was a dumb little m/m fantasy virgin before this and oh my god i don’t want to stop

they were like frat boys on steroids and i’ve never read something more perfect in my entire life.
galen, you big protective marshmallow, i love you and you have officially been upgraded to fictional boyfriend #1.
simon, you felt so real that it was like having you here with me. the perfect balance between damsel in distress and snarky cutie.

i’m crying and this probably doesn’t make sense but i don’t care.

    2022-favorites fantasy-paranormal forced-proximity
Galen (Sons of the Fallen, #1) (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.