Invest in Their Future: A Guide to Family Financial Planning (2024)

Family financial planning can help families reach their individual and collective goals, enjoy the material comforts and experiences that are important to them, and achieve financial security for those inevitable bumps in the road. Are you ready to start planning?

Learn more about what family financial planning is, its main components, and some easy steps for getting started.

Why Is Family Financial Planning Important?

Although a lot of households put together a family budget, many don’t take the next step of putting a plan into action, according to Taylor Kovar, certified financial planner (CFP), founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Kovar Wealth Management, a Texas-based firm. “The plan part is, ‘This is how much we have today, and this is where we want to get to,’” he says.

Working off of a plan provides purpose and allows families to do the things they want to do and explore options they previously may not have had access to, such as owning a home or starting a family business.

How to Create a Family Financial Plan

The steps for creating a family financial plan are simple, but they require some important conversations and commitment from the whole family.

“We don’t say the person who makes the most or the one who is smarter with money gets to make those decisions,” Kovar says. What’s critical is “working as a team, so everybody feels satisfied. It goes a little deeper than dollars and cents.”

Follow these guidelines to set up a family financial plan—whether with a long-term partner, spouse, or children—that works best for all.

Set Financial Goals for the Family

Setting big-picture and everyday financial goals for the family can help provide the “why” for your plan. It could be things far off into the future, like saving for a home, a college education, or retirement. Or it might be short-term goals, like building an emergency fund, paying off a debt, or taking a family vacation.

Once you have your list of goals, think about applying some rule-of-thumb advice to your plan. “One that [often] makes sense is the 50-30-20 rule,” says Brandon Robinson, president and founder of JBR Associates Financial Services in Plano, Texas. “It keeps things simple.”

Here’s how it works. You allocate:

  • 50% of your income toward your needs (food, housing, utilities, etc.)
  • 30% toward your wants (entertainment, eating out, travel, etc.)
  • 20% toward investments and savings

You can choose a different percentage breakdown or try a different method altogether—and don’t be afraid to try more than one method until you find one that works best for your family. The key is giving your plan some guardrails.

Create a Family Budget

Why is a budget an essential tool for your family financial plan? “You can’t manage what you can’t measure. You have to know where the money is going,” Kovar says.

Considering that nearly three-quarters of parents (73%) report having trouble keeping up with expenses as of April 2023, according to a New York Life Wealth Watch survey, it’s more important than ever to dial into where your dollars are going.

Here’s a general overview of how to do it on a monthly basis.

  • Add up all your income: Include your paychecks and any other sources of income you may have, such as child support.
  • Add up all your expenses: Start with your fixed expenses like your mortgage/rent, car payments, tuition, utilities, cellphone, etc. Next, list flexible expenses like groceries, entertainment, etc.
  • Save and invest the rest: Subtract all of your expenses from your income and see what you have left. This money should be allocated to savings and investments.
  • Keep track regularly: Continue tracking your progress, and ultimately make changes where necessary. For example, if one month you notice your expenses reach above a certain threshold that impacts the amount you are able to save, it may be time to make an adjustment.

Ways to Invest in Education

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Build an Emergency Fund

Families can save money for a variety of goals simultaneously, but your top-priority savings goal should be an emergency fund, if you don’t have one already. Having an emergency fund for unexpected expenses such as home repairs or a medical emergency can save you from going into debt or even financial ruin.

If you’re starting from scratch, open a separate savings account and set up an automatic deposit on a monthly basis or every payday. If you go with a high-yield savings account, you can earn a little interest on top of your contributions. Transfer as little as $50 to $100 a month to start, but the ultimate goal is to build up enough savings to cover three to six months of your expenses in case of a job loss, personal crisis, or other unexpected event.

Manage Debt as a Family

Debt can slow down the progress you make toward your financial goals. While some debt like a mortgage might be necessary, according to Robinson, a lot of families tend to have debt because they overspend on their wants, running up high credit card bills. Other times, a lack of emergency funds means having to rely on credit to manage unexpected expenses.

Whatever the reason, if you do have high-interest balances, you’ll want to prioritize those payments for a period of time and be consistent. It might require temporarily trimming some areas of your budget or bringing in extra income. If you’re not sure where to start, you can work with a credit counselor to help you or explore other options.

Protect Your Family with Insurance

If you’re doing the hard work of sticking to a family financial plan, the last thing you want is for unforeseen circ*mstances to undo your progress. That’s where insurance products come in.

The major types to have include home and auto insurance, health insurance, and term life insurance. With the latter, if you have people who depend on you for income, a term life policy that is worth several times your annual income can help your loved ones financially if you die unexpectedly.

There are other insurances that might be beneficial to you as well, from pet insurance to umbrella insurance to business insurance. A financial advisor can help you determine the types of coverage you need.

We don’t say the person who makes the most or the one who is ‘smarter’ with money gets to make those decisions. It’s working as a team so everybody feels satisfied. It goes a little deeper than dollars and cents.”

Taylor Kovar, CFP, founder and CEO of Kovar Wealth Management

Invest for the Future

Family financial planning is not just about day-to-day or month-to-month spending and saving—it’s also about planning for the long term. Saving for retirement can help ensure that you won’t become a financial burden to your children one day.

The earlier you start investing, the more growth potential you’ll have. And maintaining a diversified portfolio with different types of investments can help you realize steady growth while lowering your risk.

Long-term investment options include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or retirement plans like 401(k)s or individual retirement accounts (IRAs).

Invest in Education

A college education is an investment that can boost your children’s lifetime earning power. As of 2021 (the most recent data available), the median earnings for bachelor’s degree holders were 55% higher than the earnings of those who completed high school.

That said, a college education is expensive. To help lower your children’s future student loan debt burden, special accounts like 529 plans can help you invest and grow funds tax-free. As long as you have a solid emergency fund and are saving for your retirement, putting additional funds toward a college savings plan can be a smart investment.

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Teach Financial Literacy to Children

Financial education should be a family affair, according to Tyler Meyer, CFP and founder of “Consider introducing a ‘Family Finance Night’ where everyone, regardless of age, shares their financial insights,” he says. “This not only cultivates financial literacy, but also creates a supportive environment for open conversations about money, reinforcing positive financial habits.”

You can also look for teachable money moments when shopping together, or teach kids to allocate their allowance and gift money into spend, save, and donate buckets.

Review and Update Your Family Financial Plan

A family financial plan isn’t meant to be static—it should evolve as your finances and priorities change. “Schedule a monthly check-in with your spouse and/or kids, and then once or twice a year, you can go more in-depth,” Kovar says.

You also might choose to meet with a financial advisor or planner once per year to go over your financial planning checklist, explore other ideas, and keep you on the right track.

The Bottom Line

Setting financial goals with your entire family in mind helps you prioritize and achieve financial milestones. Although it can seem daunting at first, once you create the family budget, tools and technology can help you put much of your plan on autopilot.

Once you develop a financial safety net through your emergency fund and insurance products, manage debt, and start seeing your savings and investment accounts grow, it can strengthen your family’s financial stability for not just today, but tomorrow as well.

Invest in Their Future: A Guide to Family Financial Planning (9)

Family financial planning is an important aspect of managing personal finances and achieving financial security for both individuals and families. It involves setting financial goals, creating a budget, managing debt, investing for the future, protecting the family with insurance, and teaching financial literacy to children. By following these steps, families can work together as a team to achieve their financial objectives and enjoy the material comforts and experiences that are important to them.

Importance of Family Financial Planning

Family financial planning is important because it provides purpose and direction to a family's financial decisions. It helps families prioritize their goals and allocate their resources effectively. According to Taylor Kovar, a certified financial planner, having a plan allows families to do the things they want to do and explore options they may not have had access to otherwise, such as owning a home or starting a family business [[1]].

Creating a Family Financial Plan

To create a family financial plan, it is essential to have important conversations and commitment from the whole family. The plan should be a collaborative effort, where everyone's needs and aspirations are taken into account. Setting financial goals is a crucial first step in the planning process. These goals can be long-term, such as saving for a home, college education, or retirement, or short-term, like building an emergency fund or paying off debt [[2]].

One rule of thumb that can be applied to the plan is the 50-30-20 rule. This rule suggests allocating 50% of income towards needs (food, housing, utilities), 30% towards wants (entertainment, eating out, travel), and 20% towards investments and savings. However, families can choose a different percentage breakdown or try different methods until they find what works best for them [[2]].

Creating a family budget is another essential component of a family financial plan. A budget helps track income and expenses, providing a clear picture of where the money is going. It is important to include all sources of income and categorize expenses into fixed (mortgage/rent, car payments, tuition) and flexible (groceries, entertainment) categories. The remaining money should be allocated to savings and investments. Regularly tracking progress and making adjustments when necessary is crucial for staying on track with the budget [[3]].

Building an Emergency Fund

Building an emergency fund is a top-priority savings goal for families. An emergency fund provides a financial safety net for unexpected expenses like home repairs or medical emergencies. It helps prevent families from going into debt or facing financial ruin. Starting with a separate savings account and setting up automatic deposits on a monthly basis or every payday is a good way to build an emergency fund. The ultimate goal is to save enough to cover three to six months of expenses in case of a job loss, personal crisis, or other unexpected events [[4]].

Managing Debt as a Family

Debt can hinder progress towards financial goals. It is important to prioritize debt payments and be consistent in paying them off. Overspending on wants and relying on credit for unexpected expenses are common reasons for accumulating debt. Trimming some areas of the budget or finding ways to increase income can help in paying off debt. Seeking guidance from a credit counselor or exploring other options can also be beneficial [[5]].

Protecting the Family with Insurance

Insurance is an important aspect of family financial planning as it provides protection against unforeseen circ*mstances that can undo financial progress. Home and auto insurance, health insurance, and term life insurance are major types of insurance that families should consider having. Term life insurance, in particular, can provide financial support to loved ones if the policyholder dies unexpectedly. Other types of insurance, such as pet insurance, umbrella insurance, and business insurance, may also be beneficial depending on the family's circ*mstances. Consulting with a financial advisor can help determine the types of coverage needed [[6]].

Investing for the Future

Investing for the future is a crucial part of family financial planning. It involves saving for retirement to ensure financial independence and not becoming a burden to children later in life. Starting to invest early allows for more growth potential. Maintaining a diversified portfolio with different types of investments helps achieve steady growth while lowering risk. Long-term investment options include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and retirement plans like 401(k)s or individual retirement accounts (IRAs) [[7]].

Investing in education is another important aspect of family financial planning. A college education can significantly impact a child's lifetime earning potential. Special accounts like 529 plans can help families invest and grow funds tax-free for their children's education. It is important to prioritize emergency funds and retirement savings before allocating additional funds towards college savings [[8]].

Teaching Financial Literacy to Children

Financial education should be a family affair. Introducing a "Family Finance Night" where everyone, regardless of age, shares their financial insights can cultivate financial literacy and create a supportive environment for open conversations about money. Teachable money moments can be found while shopping together, and children can be encouraged to allocate their allowance and gift money into spend, save, and donate categories [[9]].

Reviewing and Updating the Family Financial Plan

A family financial plan should not be static but should evolve as finances and priorities change. Regular check-ins with the family and more in-depth reviews once or twice a year can help ensure the plan stays on track. Meeting with a financial advisor or planner annually can provide additional guidance and ideas to keep the family on the right financial path [[10]].

In conclusion, family financial planning is crucial for achieving individual and collective goals, enjoying material comforts and experiences, and attaining financial security. By setting financial goals, creating a budget, managing debt, investing for the future, protecting the family with insurance, and teaching financial literacy to children, families can work together to achieve their financial objectives and strengthen their financial stability for the present and the future.

Invest in Their Future: A Guide to Family Financial Planning (2024)


Why should a person consider investing in financial planning? ›

A financial plan can help you create an investment portfolio. Your financial plan can give you the full lay of the land: You'll know what your goals are, how much time you have to reach them, and how comfortable you are with risk. Once you have a comprehensive view, you can figure out how to reach each individual goal.

What is family financial planning? ›

Family financial planning is not just about day-to-day or month-to-month spending and saving—it's also about planning for the long term. Saving for retirement can help ensure that you won't become a financial burden to your children one day. The earlier you start investing, the more growth potential you'll have.

What is investing in financial planning? ›

Managing income and expenses to achieve financial goals and ensure financial security. To manage existing investment to earn maximum return. Scope. It includes managing monthly expenses, tax saving, tax planning, retirement planning, etc. It includes making new investments, asset allocation, portfolio balancing, etc.

What is the financial planning of the future? ›

Financial planning is an ongoing process that looks at your entire financial situation in order to create strategies for achieving your short- and long-term goals. It can reduce your stress about money, support your current needs and help you build a nest egg for goals such as retirement.

At what age should you first start financial planning? ›

When You Start Making Your Own Money. The first time you should start financial planning is once you start earning, regardless of age or income. Of course, there is nothing wrong with celebrating your first paycheck! But years down the road, you will be happy that you started on the right foot by planning ahead.

What are the 5 key areas of financial planning? ›

In this blog, we explore the five key components of a financial plan and how they work together.
  • Investments. Investments are a vital part of a well-rounded financial plan. ...
  • Insurance. Protecting your assets—including yourself—is as important as growing your finances. ...
  • Retirement Strategy. ...
  • Trust and Estate Planning. ...
  • Taxes.
Feb 9, 2024

Why invest in family planning? ›

Every dollar spent on family planning results in reductions in child and maternal deaths, returns in savings in other development areas, and environmental benefits.

What are the benefits of financial planning for family? ›

Here are four key advantages of family financial planning, and how we can help you make the most of them.
  1. Helping you to define your priorities. ...
  2. Taking a joined-up approach to inheritance matters. ...
  3. Reducing your and your family's tax burden where possible. ...
  4. Forming a whole-family relationship with a trusted professional.
Nov 16, 2023

What is family planning and benefits? ›

Family planning enables people to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health. Having smaller families allows parents to invest more in each child. Children with fewer siblings tend to stay in school longer than those with many siblings.

What are the disadvantages of financial planning? ›

What Are the Limitations of Financial Planning?
  • Time-Consuming Process. ...
  • Potential for Inflexibility. ...
  • Costs Associated With Financial Planning. ...
  • Limitation of Quantitative Data. ...
  • Subjectivity in Analysis. ...
  • Overconfidence and Complacency. ...
  • Technological Limitations. ...
  • Legal and Regulatory Constraints.
Mar 6, 2024

What are the 4 basics of financial planning? ›

To start this crucial process, follow the steps below to create a successful financial plan:
  • Setting SMART objectives.
  • Make a Budget.
  • Develop an investment plan.
  • Monitoring and Rebalancing.
Mar 28, 2024

How can I do my own financial planning? ›

Here's how to create a financial plan in 11 steps.
  1. Evaluate where you stand. Building your financial plan is like creating a fitness program. ...
  2. Set SMART financial goals. ...
  3. Update your budget. ...
  4. Save for an emergency. ...
  5. Pay down your debt. ...
  6. Organize your investments. ...
  7. Prepare for retirement. ...
  8. Start your estate planning.
Feb 23, 2024

Why I quit being a financial advisor? ›

Lack Of Fulfillment

They wanted to own their time, work in the markets they liked, and solve problems with people they valued. Unfortunately, most advisors are stuck in traditional financial planning and portfolio management firms that often don't align with their values or goals.

What is the main goal of financial planning? ›

A financial plan acts as a guide as you go through life's journey. Essentially, it helps you be in control of your income, expenses and investments such that you can manage your money and achieve your goals.

What are three reasons why you should consider investing? ›

Four Really Good Reasons to Consider Investing
  • Make Money on Your Money. ...
  • Achieve Self-Determination and Independence. ...
  • Leave a Legacy to Your Heirs. ...
  • Support Causes Important to You.

What are the 5 importance of personal financial planning? ›

Expenditure, income, savings, investments, and protection are the five areas that are critical to shaping your personal financial planning.

Why is financial planning important in business? ›

A good financial plan can spot positive and negative trends where they may have become lost in a sea of numbers. This will help you better allocate funds to the areas that are making your business money, and avoid expenditures that didn't yield enough results.

How does investing affect your financial plan? ›

Saving and investing are both important components of a healthy financial plan. Saving provides a safety net and a way to achieve short-term goals, while investing has the potential for higher long-term returns and can help achieve long-term financial goals.


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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