Lomography - Lomopedia: Minolta TC-1 (2024)

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Man gewinnt den Kamera Grand Prix nicht ohne Grund.

Wenn (An-)Blicke töten könnten, dann müsste die Minolta TC-1 auf die Liste der meist gesuchten Schwerverbrecher. Allein das Design des Kameragehäuses lässt viele Sammler von Filmkameras schwach und ohnmächtig werden.

  • Lomography - Lomopedia: Minolta TC-1 (1)

  • Lomography - Lomopedia: Minolta TC-1 (2)

Die Minolta TC-1 wird von vielen Kamera-Enthusiasten als die wahrscheinlich großartigste 35mm-Kompaktkamera angesehen. Auch wenn ihre Popularität nicht annähernd so groß ist wie die der *Ricoh GR1* und der *Contax T2*, war die TC-1 zurecht immer sehr beliebt. Ein guter Grund dafür ist ihr 28mm f/3,5 G-Rokkor Objektiv, welches nur so vor Handwerkskunst und herausragenden Aufnahmeeigenschaften strotzt.

Die mehrfach vergütete Linse produziert sanftes Bokeh und knackig scharfe Bilder. Das Objektiv ist sanft in die Mitte der TC-1 eingebettet und der Blendenring umgibt es halb von oben. Minolta setzte dem ganzen die Krone auf, indem sie 1996 den japanischen “Camera Grad Prix” gewann. Mit allem, was die TC-1 mit sich bringt, ist dies ein wohl verdienter Sieg.

Technische Spezifikationen der Minolta TC-1:

  • Film-Format: 35mm
  • Material: Metall
  • ISO-Einstellungen: 25 bis 3200 ISO mit DX-Code-Erkennung und 6 bis 6400 mit manueller Einstellung
  • Sucher: Optischer Direktsucher
  • Blitz: eingebaut
  • Objektiv: Minolta G-Rokker 28mm f/3.5 mehrfach vergütet, 5 Elemente in 5 Gruppen, 3 mit aspherischer Wölbung
  • Verschlusszeit: 1/750s bis 4 Sekunden
  • Blende: f/3.5, f/5.6, f/8, f/16
  • Fokus: automatisch
  • Belichtungsmessung: mittenlastig in 2 Segmenten oder Spotmessung
  • Energiequelle: 1 CR123 3V Lithium-Batterie

Seht euch diese Bilder aus unserer Community an, die mit der Minolta TC-1 gemacht wurden:

  • Lomography - Lomopedia: Minolta TC-1 (3)

  • Lomography - Lomopedia: Minolta TC-1 (4)

  • Lomography - Lomopedia: Minolta TC-1 (5)

  • Lomography - Lomopedia: Minolta TC-1 (6)

Alle Informationen für diesen Artikel stammen von Camerapedia, Lomography und Japan Camera Hunter.

geschrieben von cheeo am 2014-10-15 in #Ausrüstung #lomopedia #35mm #review #kompakt #lomopedia #minolta-tc-1
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fotohelmut, williklimek, blackbird1, efrost, zorki, trash-gordon-from-outer-space & dopa.

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Lomography - Lomopedia: Minolta TC-1 (2024)


When was the Minolta TC-1 made? ›

The TC-1 was a high-end, titanium-bodied compact autofocus 35mm camera produced by Minolta from 1996–2005. It is primary an aperture priority camera. It has center-weighted and spot meter modes with a sensitivity of 1.5 to 17 EV in center and 2.5 to 17 in spot mode.

What battery does the Minolta TC-1 use? ›


What is the aperture priority of Minolta TC-1? ›

Minolta TC-1 has aperture priority, which means that you select the wanted aperture if it's going to overexpose an LED will flash and you need to change the aperture. The camera will choose the appropriate shutter speed, from 4 sec to 1/750th sec. It has four manual apertures f3,5, f5,6, f8 and f16.

Did Minolta make medium format cameras? ›

Minolta (ミノルタ, minoruta) was a Japanese company that, under one name or another, manufactured cameras from 1929 to 2003. It produced cameras for many film formats, from 16mm film to medium format.

When did Minolta go out of business? ›

Minolta's fourth and final logo, designed by Saul Bass in 1981
Founded1928 (as Nichi-Doku Shashinki Shōten) Osaka, Japan
FounderKazuo Tashima
DefunctAugust 5, 2003
4 more rows

Why did Sony buy Minolta? ›

Minolta sold their long established camera business to Sony in 2006. Sony was already working with Konica Minolta to create a dSLR which would utilize Minolta A-Mount lenses. Sony also designed the sensor used in the Maxxum 7D and Maxxum 5D dSLRs, so they were quite familiar with Konica-Minolta offerings.

Can you use Minolta camera without battery? ›

The battery powers the camera's light meter. This means you will not be able to shoot in auto without a battery. You could shoot manually, but this would mean metering must be done either by guestimating, using the sunny 16 rule, or by the use of an external light meter.

Does Minolta need a battery? ›

From what I've read on here, you can use the camera without the battery, as it's only used to power the meter...

What type of mount is Minolta? ›

The Minolta SR-mount was the bayonet mounting system used in all 35 mm SLR cameras made by Minolta with interchangeable manual focusing lenses.

What is the sharpest aperture setting? ›

If you're shooting flat subjects, the sharpest aperture is usually f/8. My lens reviews give the best apertures for each lens, but it is almost always f/8 if you need no depth of field.

What aperture should I set my film camera? ›

How the Sunny 16 rule works
Lighting conditionsCorrect aperture when shooting ISO 100 film @ 1/100 sec
Snow or sandF22
Some cloudsF11
2 more rows
Mar 19, 2021

Should I shoot in aperture priority or Shutter Priority? ›

So as a rough guide, generally when you are dealing with moving subjects shutter speed might be a better mode to select. But when shutter speed isn't going to be a problem then you can select aperture priority.

What is the old name of Minolta? ›

After returning, he established Nichi-Doku Shashinki Shoten, which would become known as Minolta in later years, on November 11, 1928, and opened its first factory in present-day Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture.

Why do people use medium format cameras? ›

Higher Quality Images

The larger image area on medium format cameras can produce around 70% bigger and higher resolution photos compared to those taken with full-frame cameras. Shallower depth of field: there's a reason portrait and wedding photographers from the '70s to '90s were all about medium format.

Is it worth buying a medium format camera? ›

The main advantage of using a medium format camera is the superior image quality that it delivers. Medium format cameras can capture more detail, nuance, and tonality than smaller sensors, making them ideal for professional applications such as landscape, portrait, fashion, architecture, and fine art photography.

When did Konica Autoreflex TC come out? ›

The Konica Autoreflex TC was introduced in 1976 and manufactured until 1982. In Japan it was sold as the Acom-1. It was designed as an entry-level model with limited features and was sold at a competitive price. Today these cameras can be a real bargain, as so many were sold in its initial release.

How old are Minolta cameras? ›

Cameras and Photographic Film - The Beginnings

Konica Minolta's history dates back to 1873 when Rokusaburo Sugiura began selling photographic materials (the founding of Konica). In 1903, the company introduced Japan's first branded camera and in 1929 it launched its first in-house produced film.

What year did the Minolta Freedom Tele come out? ›

The Minolta camera was launched in 1988, the Leica model one year later.


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