TETAF Trauma Activation Guidelines (2024)

TETAF Trauma Activation Guidelines

3400 Enfield Road Austin, TX 78703 Phone: 512.524.2892 Trauma Activation Guidelines Developed by Texas EMS Trauma & Acute Care Foundation Trauma Division

Content Edited by The content for this publication was developed Brenda Putz, RN, TETAF, Austin by a TETAF Trauma Division workgroup led by Gina Pickard, RN, trauma division manager and surgical Ann Ward, APR, A.Ward Strategic Communications critical care fellowship coordinator at San Antonio Military Medical Center. Lisa Price, RN, B.S.N., CEN, Design by trauma services director at DeTar Health System in Barbara Battista, Graphic Design Freelance Services Victoria, is chair of the TETAF Trauma Division.

Photo Credits Contributors Brett Dodwell, RN, B.S.N., CEN p. 4...... University Health System, San Antonio Tomball Regional Medical Center p. 8...... Robertson County EMS David Golder, RN, B.S. Dell Children’s Medical Center, Austin p. 11...... University Health System, San Antonio Andrea Holmes, RN, M.S.N., CEN, CCRN Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital, Houston p. 14...... CHRISTUS St. Elizabeth Hospital, Beaumount

Sherry Jennings, RN, B.S.N. St. Joseph Regional Health Center, Bryan p. 16...... Methodist Health System Dallas

Carolyn Knox, RN, CEN, LP Citizens Medical Center, Victoria

Connie Manley, RN, B.S.N. Valley Regional Medical Center, Brownsville

Christi Reeves, RN, B.S.N. Clear Lake Regional Medical Center

Kathy Rodgers, RN, M.S.N., CNS, CCRN, CEN CHRISTUS St. Elizabeth Hospital, Beaumont Copyright © July 2013 by the Texas EMS Trauma & Acute Care Foundation. Individuals Beth Tracy, RN, M.S.N. Las Palmas Medical Center, El Paso may download and print this publication for use within their organization. Other uses – Wanda Wiktorik, RN including mass copying and distribution of Scott & White Brenham the copyright publication – are prohibited.

2 Contents

SECTION 1 Development of the Trauma Team Activation Criteria...... 4

SECTION 2 Development of the Trauma Team Activation Policy...... 5 Levels of Response...... 5 Special Considerations...... 7 Over- and Under-Triage of Trauma Patients...... 8

SECTION 3 Policy Development...... 9

SECTION 4 Communication and Education...... 10

SECTION 5 Admissions and Transfers ...... 11

SECTION 6 Monitoring and Evaluation of Trauma Policies...... 12

SECTION 7 Summary...... 14

SECTION 8 Additional Resources...... 15 Links to Additional Resources...... 15 Sample Policies...... 16

n Scott & White Hospital – Brenham...... 17

n Titus Regional Medical Center, Mount Pleasant...... 18, 19, 20

n United Regional Medical Center, Wichita Falls...... 21 Information Resources...... 22

3 Section 1

Development of the Trauma Team Activation Criteria

Trauma patients require specialized treatment and access to care. Available literature strongly supports the belief that trauma-related mortality can be reduced through early definitive care delivered via a multidisciplinary approach. Every health care facility with an interest in caring for the injured should evaluate its internal human and facility-based resources and develop a protocol for appropriate multidisciplinary team mobilization.

4 Section 2

Development of the Trauma Team Activation Policy

Building the Trauma Team Activation Policy for hospitals expectations for members of the trauma team. When is an internal hospital/Trauma Systems Committee developing these two policies (Trauma Team Activation discussion. The primary goal of trauma team activation Policy and Roles and Responsibilities of the Trauma Team criteria is to ensure that the resources necessary to Members Policy), specify the following: address the clinical needs of injured patients are immediately available. 1. When the team must be assembled (activation criteria as determined by your internal policy); Protocols for trauma team activation should be driven by a number of factors to include defining the most 2. Who is to respond (multidisciplinary team severely injured patients and determining the immediate members); and resource needs to deliver optimal care to the patient. In 1987, the American College of Surgeons released its 3. How they are to be notified (overhead, pager, etc.). “Optimal Resources” guide introducing three “domains” of criteria: These policies should build upon existing facility-specific internal operating procedures and staffing resources. 1. physiologic,

2. anatomic, and Levels of Response 3. mechanism of injury. Some trauma centers have a single level of trauma activation while others may have multiple tiers, usually two These criteria are critical in creating a step-by-step or three. All levels are based specifically on the hospital process for field facility triage. This was the first triage resources available to the trauma patient and the patient’s scheme to make provisions for comorbidity and extremes physiological status. The tiers and team composition for each of age. While the initial version of the field triage decision must be specifically defined in policy and monitored through scheme has been modified over time, the concept of the trauma quality assurance process. Using a defined stratifying injury significance based on the three domains multidisciplinary approach to care will limit the waste of of criteria has remained a staple in both the pre-hospital resources caused by excessive team mobilization (over- and emergency center environment. activation) while ensuring resources are available to prevent delays in care (under-activation.) The hospital’s activation policy is based on the reported mechanism of injury, physiologic criteria, anatomic Level III facilities may adopt a multi-tiered system. The criteria or special considerations. Hospital staff may rely highest level of activation usually is reserved for the sickest on a report from EMS or the presenting symptoms of a patients based on physiologic criteria. The second highest patient arriving by personal vehicle to trigger trauma activation may be based on mechanism of injury, anatomic team activation. criteria and/or special considerations. The composition of the trauma team responding will be based on the specific Activating or mobilizing the trauma team to provide needs of the patient. These may include in-house or on- call immediate resuscitation to the seriously injured trauma surgeons, emergency physicians, nursing staff, respiratory patient is vital to both saving patients’ lives and the staff, laboratory staff and imaging staff. efficient functioning of the trauma hospital. In most cases Level IV facilities will adopt a single-tiered Policies are needed to define the hospital’s trauma system based on their resources. These resources must activation criteria and process and to document include an emergency medicine physician, trauma nurses

5 Section 2

and both imaging and laboratory staff. Larger Level IVs with Whether a facility employs a single- or multi-tiered greater resources may activate more similarly to Level IIIs. trauma team activation protocol, these six criteria must The trauma facility’s internal policy determines a single- be contained within its highest tier. If a facility uses a tiered or a multi-tiered system response. single-tiered system, these six must be included.

Information from pre-hospital care providers is useful for The highest level activations use all resources and are the guiding the appropriate tier of response and for assembly most stringent with regard to response times. In-house and preparation of the trauma team. response must be within 15 minutes of notification. Off- campus team response must be within 30 minutes of The structural design of trauma team response levels patient arrival. These response times must be defined in or tiers and the composition of the team are institution both the Trauma Team Activation Policy and the Roles specific, and based on available resources. and Responsibilities of the Trauma Team Policy.

It is unlikely that a rural Level IV facility will ever have a As defined in hospital policy, the highest level of trauma surgeon as a member of the trauma team at any tier activation is based on physiologic criteria and may of activation. However, the hospital may stage its response include special considerations. This level includes a full levels to require all ancillary departments to attend a team response with a surgeon, emergency physician, high-level activation, and only require radiology to attend trauma-trained nurses, imaging department team lower-level activations. Some facilities may choose to use support, laboratory team support and respiratory team only one level of activation for all trauma patients meeting support. Frequently this level also will include social activation policy minimum criteria. services, spiritual services and additional support staff as needed. The policy defining this process may include Highest Level of Activation – operating room activation, anesthesia and hospital The Major/Severe Trauma Patient administration. When a major/severe trauma patient is identified, the highest level of activation is made. Defining a major or Second-Level Trauma Activations – Urgent severe trauma patient may be based on many factors and The second level of response, defined in hospital policy, is validated by the facility’s internal policy; however, there may include a partial team response and typically is are defined minimal criteria that the hospital’s policies based on anatomic criteria, mechanism of injury and/ must include. or special considerations. In-house response is within 15 minutes of notification. Off-campus response may be According to the American College of Surgeons’ Resources up to 60 minutes from notification of the urgent need for the Optimal Care of the Injured Patient (2006), the minimal for consultation for the patient. In most trauma centers, criteria for the definition of a major trauma patient include: this activation level may not include the surgeon, but will include the emergency medicine physician to lead 1. Confirmed systolic blood pressure of <90 mmHg in the response. The other team members will include adults and age-specific hypotension in children; trauma nurses and imaging and laboratory support staff. Other support may be activated as the need is defined in 2. Respiratory compromise, obstruction or intubation; assessment after the patient arrives.

3. Use of blood products to maintain vital signs in Third Level Activations – Trauma Evaluation or Consult patients transferred from other hospitals; A third level of trauma team activation frequently is referred to as a trauma consult or trauma evaluation. This 4. Discretion of the emergency physician; level uses fewer resources; a surgeon may or may not be required to attend, and response time requirements may 5. Gunshot wounds to abdomen, neck or chest; and be longer for some personnel.

6. Glasgow Coma Score <8 with mechanism attributed to trauma.

6 Section 2

Special Considerations ESRD Requiring Dialysis Patients with end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis are As trauma programs mature, additional criteria may be often coagulopathic with increased risk for hemorrhage added based on identified trends or risk factors that and severity of hemorrhage, and potential increased contribute to morbidity and mortality. Some of the most morbidity and mortality. The need for frequent dialysis is an common special circ*mstances that may increase the additional resource consideration. morbidity and mortality of the patient must be considered. Patient management frequently is modified based on these Pregnancy More Than 20 weeks special considerations. Trauma to the pregnant female places both the mother and the fetus at risk, with the higher risk to the fetus. However, Age the primary resuscitation priorities continue to be toward Research documents that age significantly affects the the mother because of the complexity of anatomical outcome of patients in two categories: and physiological changes associated with pregnancy; n Greater than 55 years old and additional specialized obstetric care is warranted. The gestational age of 20 weeks is recognized as the earliest age n Less than 15 years old. of fetal viability. Incorporating the labor and delivery unit nurses into activations including this patient population Adults older than age 55 are at increased risk for injury will allow an additional level of expertise for patients. and death. Studies have shown that mortality increases 6.8 Activating this specialized support staff should incorporate percent for every year of age after 65. Older victims who fetal monitoring and fetal warming. die from their injuries had a lower Injury Severity Score (ISS) than younger victims who died. Age also places trauma Time-Sensitive Extremity Injury patients at risk for other comorbidities and poor outcomes. Open fractures or fractures with neurovascular compromise In pediatric patients, defined by the American College of are at risk for infection. Musculoskeletal and vascular Surgeons as children less than 15 years of age, severe injury deterioration of the limb may require rapid intervention for is best identified by physiological criteria: systolic blood limb preservation. pressure, Glasgow Coma Score, respiratory rate, burns and paralysis. CPR and Blunt Force/Penetrating Trauma Patients with CPR in progress in the context of blunt Anticoagulation/Bleeding Disorders trauma are highly unlikely to benefit from immediate Patients with coagulopathies or being treated with surgical intervention, which supports a lower-level trauma anticoagulants (warfarin, aspirin, etc.) are at increased activation. However, patients with CPR in progress who risk for intracranial hemorrhage, increased severity of have suffered a penetrating trauma may benefit from hemorrhage and associated morbidity and mortality. a higher level activation. In patients with penetrating Additionally, the severity and rapidity of hemorrhage which trauma to the chest or abdomen, massive exsanguinations, can occur in this patient population increase the likelihood hypotension unresponsive to crystalloids and a sudden of long-term disability and death. Prompt radiological loss of vital signs, survival to discharge rates of 8.3 percent services, neurosurgical intervention and anticoagulant have been published for those receiving an emergency reversal may be required. thoracotomy. However, the argument can be made that only those with penetrating trauma may benefit from Burns immediate surgical intervention, which warrants a high- Based on recommendations of the ACS and American Burn level trauma activation. Association, in the absence of other trauma, burn victims should be transferred to a burn center. Burn patients Trauma Registry Data with concomitant traumatic injuries are at higher risk for Trauma team activation criteria should be based on morbidity and mortality, and will benefit from specialized regional injury patterns and should be adapted to the local burn care. However, if the non-burn injuries present the case load. One of the best resources for this information lies immediate greater risk, the patient should be stabilized at a within a facility-based trauma registry. A comprehensive trauma center prior to transfer to a burn center. review of this data will result in a better understanding of

7 Section 2 the characteristics of injury in a specific region. Currently, Over- and Under-Triage there is no universal agreement as to what measurable outcome criteria (Injury Severity Score, admission to of Trauma Patients the intensive care unit, fluid resuscitation, early surgery, When developing trauma activation criteria, it is important morbidity or death) accurately define those patients who to consider the impact of over- and under-triage on the benefit from the resources of a multidisciplinary team trauma team. Both over- and under-triage are expected; evaluation. However, regional injury patterns, trauma however under-triage is less desirable than over-triage. registry data and national standards should drive the The tiered approach does somewhat offset over utilization development of the policy defining trauma activation of scarce resources such as physicians, surgical support criteria. and those that respond from off-site, and more readily accommodates the inclusion of special considerations into Regional/System Considerations trauma activation criteria. The resources and capabilities within the trauma region dictate the function of the trauma system as a whole. The In spite of continued maturation, it is well reported that trauma hospital’s policies should be vetted through the trauma team activation criteria that rely on physiology, Regional Advisory Council and the EMS providers serving anatomy and mechanism of injury result in substantial the region. Education of both the RAC and EMS providers over-triage (activation of trauma team despite minor or will ensure a system-wide awareness of the hospital’s moderate injury), perhaps as high as 70 percent. Over- resources and assist in regional field triage protocols. triage is mainly a resource problem as assembly of the Recognition that the trauma hospital is part of a dynamic multidisciplinary team removes personnel from other system will allow its integration into the regional system important activities in the facility. Under-triage has the which serves all trauma patients and ensures delivery of potential to delay diagnosis and/or treatment of a severely optimal patient care in the right place at the right time. injured patient and may compromise clinical outcomes and increase trauma mortality. No current standards exist for acceptable over- or under-triage rates. The American College of Surgeons has suggested that an over-triage rate of 50 percent may be necessary to achieve an under-triage rate of 10 percent.

8 Section 3

Policy Development

Per the essential criteria for Level III and Level IV trauma a minimum, there should be at least one trauma-trained center designation in the state of Texas, policies are registered nurse and preferably two, the emergency required that outline the facility’s trauma activation criteria physician and representatives from lab, radiology and and the roles and responsibilities of the trauma team. The respiratory therapy. Anesthesia and surgery staff should be development of the Trauma Team Activation Policy should included for the highest level of activation for facilities with include the ACS minimal activation guidelines as well as these resources. The role of the trauma surgeon is defined criteria that may be unique to the facility. by the level of designation of the facility. Team members should work together to rapidly assess and treat the Components of the TTA policy trauma patient. n How is the team is activated (beeper system, overhead The hospital’s Roles and Responsibilities of Trauma Team paging, etc.) and how is the activation documented? Members Policy should define each member of the team at each level; the roles, responsibilities and expectations n Who has the responsibility of activating the team for each team member; and the required response time (EMS, emergency physician, ED charge nurse)? for each. Building a policy including these expectations n What is the procedure for simultaneous multiple is critical to quality assurance processes, identification of trauma alerts? opportunities to improve and monitoring non-compliance. n What are the expected response times for all trauma Components of the Roles and Responsibilities team personnel for all levels of activations? of Trauma Team Members Policy n Are the levels of TTAs clearly defined in writing? n The policy should define each member’s role and Are specific criteria for every level clearly defined? responsibilities, and include physicians, surgeons, nursing, imaging staff, blood bank/laboratory staff, The special considerations previously discussed are some spiritual care, social services, hospital administration of the most frequently identified complications to the and any other members of the team. In addition, it should trauma activation criteria decision-making process. These specify the expected response time for each member of considerations should not stand alone as activation criteria, the trauma team. but be evaluated in the context of physiologic, anatomic and mechanism of injury criteria to anticipate the likelihood n The policy should define who is responsible for of increased risk of morbidity and mortality that may communicating with EMS regarding an in-bound warrant a more comprehensive response and evaluation trauma patient. than that of the general trauma patient. n How surgeons confirm they are aware of an activation Trauma activation criteria should be based on minimum should be defined, and to whom they communicate should ACS criteria and other national guidelines. Additional be specified. criteria should be based on available resources as identified n The policy should define who/how the operating room and through open discussions with trauma team members, staff members are notified when they are needed as well medical direction and hospital administration. as how they notify the trauma staff of their readiness and availability. The Trauma Team Roles and Responsibilities Policy The facility’s trauma team should be composed of members n Who is responsible for being the timekeeper should be from all required disciplines. The resources and designation specified as well as how times are annotated. level of your facility determine the actual composition. At

9 Section 4

Communication and Education Critical to the success of a trauma team is ongoing training personnel. This can be accomplished by having education for physicians, hospital staff, EMS providers key EMS personnel as participants or members of the and ED personnel. The specifics the facility has defined to trauma center’s Performance Improvement Committee(s) identify trauma patients, activate the appropriate team or chartering a specific committee comprised of trauma and ensure the patient receives the appropriate level of service and EMS personnel focused on “pre-hospital and care necessary for the best possible outcome must be ED” trauma performance improvement. The RAC may communicated. provide a forum to educate and discuss the facility’s trauma capabilities and activation criteria. It is critical to understand that the trauma hospital, regardless of the facility’s designated trauma level, is only Pre-Hospital Reporting one component of the local/regional trauma system. All EMS agencies must have a reliable means of Although the trauma center is a central piece of the system, communicating with each facility’s ED. This frequently is it is imperative to pursue an ongoing working relationship accomplished through the use of 800 MHz radio networks. between the facility and local EMS providers. Additional The ED physician should be informed immediately of an importance should be placed on fostering the working “in-bound” EMS patient who meets the facility’s trauma relationship between the facility’s trauma service and team activation criteria and ideally the trauma team its physicians, surgeons, administration, leadership and should be present prior to the patient’s arrival. Trauma non-ED staff. With strong collaborative relationships, the team activations must be based on the pre-hospital report facility’s trauma team activation policies, guidelines and if the patient arrives by EMS. The pre-hospital report is a protocols can be mutually developed, implemented and critical piece of the trauma activation process and should improved. be maintained in the trauma patient’s records to identify conditions meeting trauma team mobilization criteria. Texas Department of State Health Services’ regulations state that the criteria for a tiered activation must be Arrivals by Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) clearly defined and continuously evaluated by the trauma Upon recognition that a patient arriving by privately owned performance improvement program. This indicates that vehicle has triggered any of the criteria in the hospital’s the TTA criteria may be modified occasionally, which then activation policy, the trauma team activation is made. dictates that the modifications are communicated to the Patients arriving by private vehicle are managed with ED staff, ED physicians and EMS providers. TTA education the same processes as those activated by EMS. Delays in can be accomplished through the trauma service’s ED activation and arrival are justified through the PI process. physician representative, EMS representative, departmental in-services and EMS educational outreach. Trauma Team Notification Each facility must ensure that reliable means of Members of the trauma service staff should provide communication are established for notification of all education regarding the hospital’s trauma capabilities members of the trauma team, including ED physicians, and physically meet with local EMS medical directors, trauma surgeons, house supervisors, ED charge nurses, ED EMS training personnel and EMT staff. This will enable trauma nurses, respiratory therapists, imaging technicians, EMS participation in the TTA development process, blood bank/lab technicians, security officers or whoever is communicate unique concerns of the facility and EMS on the facility’s trauma team. A pager system, phone tree, agency(s) and empower all participants in the TTA. If the overhead announcement or answering service may be trauma facility’s resources do not allow for individual visits used to communicate the TTA. The communication method to EMS stations, it is suggested to have the trauma medical should be reviewed frequently in the trauma service’s PI director and trauma program manager meet with the matrix. EMS medical director(s) and senior EMS administrative/

10 Section 5

Admissions and Transfers Trauma patients may be delivered to a facility without the resources to manage them at an optimal level. The RAC has systems in place to avoid delayed intervention; however, the best option under specific circ*mstances will require stabilization and transfer. Preparing in advance for such an event will ensure a rapid evaluation by the trauma team and transfer of the patient to the closest, most appropriate facility. Transfer plans between facilities need to be arranged in advance. Methods of transportation, communication and capabilities of tertiary centers must be defined within this transfer plan. The closest facility with the needed resources should be contacted for transfer.

11 Section 6

Monitoring and Evaluation of Trauma Policies

The trauma activation and the roles and responsibilities 1. Cribari Matrix. In a multi-tiered activation criteria facility, policies are dynamic and should be analyzed and revised over-triage rates may be determined by dividing the based on outcome measures. Outcome measures must be number of highest level team activations with ISS less than developed to monitor and drive trauma activation criteria. 16 by the total number of highest team activations within a specified time period. Under-triage rates may be calculated Each facility may determine clear outcome measures to by dividing the total number of patients with an ISS of ensure the criteria remain appropriate and serve the needs greater than 15 who were not activated at the highest tier of the patients. Once outcome measures are developed, by the total number of patients who were not activated at over- and under-triage rates may be monitored and the highest tier. Example: reported through the use of tools such as:

ISS 0-15 ISS 16-75 Total

Full Trauma Activation a b c

Limited or No Activation d e f

Under-triage Rate 0.0% Ideally < 5%

Over-triage Rate 0.0% Ideally < 50%

12 Section 6

2. Simple Grid. Another method of evaluating trauma team activation criteria is to set up a simple 2 x 2 grid to calculate sensitivity and specificity in the following manner, where each criterion deemed important to a facility may be substituted in row 1, columns 2 and 3:

ISS > 15 ISS ≤ 15

Trauma Team Activation a b

No Trauma Team Activation c d

Sensitivity = a ÷ (b+c)

Specificity = d÷ (b+d)

Positive predictive value (PPV) = a÷ (a+b)

Negative predictive value (NPV) = d÷ (c+d)

Over triage = 1 – [b ÷ (a+b)]

Under triage = 1 – [c÷ (a+c)]

The choice of processes to monitor the criteria and analyze them based on outcomes is the decision of the trauma hospital. Multiple tools are available and should be chosen based on the needs of the trauma hospital. However, a continuous effort to revise the trauma hospital’s criteria based on outcomes, regional resource changes and trauma registry evidence should be demonstrated.

13 Section 7


There is no single definitive list of trauma team activation criteria that can be safely employed at all facilities. It is important that each trauma center continually evaluates its protocols and modifies them to meet the needs of its changing environment, health care capabilities and the patient. Regardless of what criteria are established, they should be easily interpreted, clearly documented and closely monitored. It is imperative that activation criteria be developed based on current national, state and regional guidelines (see Reference Section 8, p. 15 for links to additional resources).

Trauma program managers are encouraged to maintain an ongoing surveillance of trauma activation criteria as recommended by national organizations. These organizations periodically revise their recommendations. Hospital policies addressing trauma activation, trauma team roles and responsibilities, and admission/transfer guidelines should be revised as necessary to ensure maintenance of the current standards. Texas designated trauma facilities are required to review their policies annually and revise them as needed to comply with national standards.

14 Section 8

Additional Resources

Links to Additional Resources

American Burn Association: www.ameriburn.org

American College of Surgeons – Committee on Trauma: http://facs.org/trauma/index.html

American Trauma Society: www.amtrauma.org

Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine: http://aaam.org/

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Guidelines for the Field Triage for the Injured Patient: http://www.cdc.gov/FieldTriage/

Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma: http://www.east.org/resources/treatment-guidelines/triage-of-the-trauma-patient

Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act Guidelines: emtala-interpretive-guidelines

Emergency Nurses Association: www.ena.org

Resources for the Optimal Care of the Injured Patient 2006: https://web4.facs.org/ebusiness/ProductCatalog/ProductCategory.aspx?id=26

Society of Trauma Nurses: http://www.traumanurses.org/

Texas Department of State Health Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/emstraumasystems/default.shtm

Texas Trauma Registry: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/injury/default.shtm

15 Section 8

Sample Polices To help others develop their trauma team activation criteria and policy, several Texas hospitals are sharing theirs. These models may facilitate the development of a single or tiered level of response. One example of an EMS Report Sheet/Trauma Triage Data form also is provided.

TETAF thanks the following hospitals for sharing their policies:

n Scott & White Hospital – Brenham

n Titus Regional Medical Center, Mount Pleasant

n United Regional Medical Center, Wichita Falls

16 Section 8


The nurse will use on all trauma related EMS reports and on all patients presenting with traumatic injury to determine the appropriate level of response & activate the trauma team to the appropriate level.

Trauma Stat (911) Criteria Trauma Alert Level 2 Criteria. Trauma Stat Level 1 to be announced overhead. Trauma Alert (912) to be announced overhead. The General Trauma Surgeon must be called in. Trauma Surgeon may be called by ED Physician.

PLACE A CHECK IN ALL THAT APPLY: √ PLACE A CHECK IN ALL THAT APPLY: √ GCS < 13 with mechanism attributed to trauma Systolic B/P < 90 on adults Motor Vehicle Crash with ejection, death in same Age specific hypotension in children age 10 and under vehicle or auto pedestrian (70 + 2x age) Falls > 20 ft for adults or 2 x the height of the pedi Respiratory compromise or obstruction &/or intubated patient age 6 or under patient from the scene MCC/ATV/Bike/Large Animal with ejection of rider GSW to neck, chest or abdomen (torso) Burns > 20% BSA for adults or > 10% BSA for the GCS < 8 with mechanism attributed to trauma pedi patient age 6 or under Transferred in patient receiving blood to maintain vital Intubated trauma transfer with stable vital signs signs Stab wounds to neck, chest or abdomen (torso) with Judgment of the ED Physician stable vital signs Blunt Force Trauma with CPR in progress upon arrival Elderly falls on blood thinners Judgment of the ED Physician

Trauma Flow Sheet to be used for all patient meeting criteria for activation of the Trauma Team for Trauma Alert ( 912) &/or Trauma Stat (911)when patient meets criteria for Trauma Alert/Trauma Stat

______Date Time ED Physician Signature Nurse Signature

Revised 9-12

17 Section 8

Titus Regional Medical Center Trauma Department

SUBJECT: Trauma Team Activation Criteria REFERENCE:


CONCURRENCE: REVIEWED: 6/08,2/10,5/13 REVISED: 1/06, 2/10

PURPOSE: To effectively manage major trauma patients, the trauma team must assemble quickly and mobilize resources essential to diagnosis and treatment. The established criteria will be utilized as a decision-making process for activating the trauma team.


POLICY: All trauma patients will receive appropriate and timely emergency care.

PROCEDURE: The decision to activate the trauma team can be determined by EMS (pre-hospital); ER physician or RN charge nurse, based on pre-hospital information or upon patient arrival.

1. Level II criteria indicates the patient may not require full trauma team activation or has sustained injuries that will require immediate transfer. The ER physician will assume responsibility for the patient and function as the team leader. Assessment will be completed upon arrival to the ED and the surgeon notified as indicated. Level I criteria signifies the necessity for immediate activation of the surgeon.

2. Injury Criteria for Level I Activation: A. Multi-system trauma with unstable vital signs (B/P less than 90, GSC less than 12, and/or sustained heart rate greater than 140.) B. Intubated or compromised airway (exception : isolated head injury) C. Penetrating injury to neck, back, abdomen, genitalia, buttocks D. Flail Chest E. Unstable pelvis or suspected pelvic fractures with unstable signs or other injuries. (activate Orthopedic Surgeon also) F. Amputations (excluding digits) G. Arterial laceration

18 Section 8

3. Injury Criteria for Level II Activation: A. Two or more long bone fractures (Activate Orthopedic Surgeon also) B. Isolated head injuries requiring Neurosurgical care C. Major trauma patients less than 12 or greater than 65 D. Burns greater than 20% (2nd or 3rd degree) of BSA or involving airway, hands, feet, or genitalia E. Pediatric patients with 2nd or 3rd degree burns greater than 10% BSA F. Pregnancy greater than 24 weeks gestation with trauma injuries G. Paralysis or other signs of spinal cord injury H. Pediatric trauma with PTS score of less than 8

4. Mechanism of Injury Criteria for Level II Activation: A. High Energy impact (rollover, head-on collision, etc.) B. Falls greater than 2 times patient height C. Ejection from vehicle D. Collision with 20-inch intrusion into vehicle E. Auto/Pedestrian F. Any multi-victim collision/incident G. Motorcycle, ATV, or bicycle crash greater than 20mph or with separation of rider from bike.

Note: A Level II activation may be changed to Level I at any time based on patient condition.

5. Special Considerations: A. Deterioration in patient condition with decreasing GCS, vital signs, or other significant findings requires immediate consultation with a surgeon. B. If the surgeon on call is not available, another surgeon will be notified. If the back-up surgeon is not available to respond to the trauma activation, transfer to a tertiary facility will be initiated immediately.


REFERENCES: Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured patient 2006 Committee on Trauma/American College of Surgeons

19 Section 8



Date______EMS Agency______Report called @______ETA______Age: ______Sex: M F



VITAL SIGNS: B/P Pulse Resp. 02Sat Telemetry GCS / RTS

TREATMENTS AND PTS. RESPONSE: ρ O2 ______ρ IV ______ρ LSB ρ C-collar ρ CID

ρ Splint ρ D-Stick ______ρ Medicines ______

Orders Given______Room Assignment______Report taken by ______

CRITERIA FOR TRAUMA TEAM ACTIVATION Any major trauma patient requiring surgical intervention for orthopedic injuries must be cleared by the General Surgeon prior to surgery.

Level I Activation Level II Activation EMS Field Triage Criteria Trauma Team and Trauma Team Only Level II Activation General Surgeon Only Trauma Team Only

1. Multi-system trauma with unstable vital 1. Two or more long bone fractures 1. High energy impact signs (B/P less than 90, GCS less than (Rollover, head-on collision, etc.) 12, and/or sustained heart rate greater than 140) 2. Intubated or compromised airway 3. Isolated head injuries requiring 2. Falls greater than two (2) times patient (exception : isolated head injury) neurosurgical care height

3. Penetrating injury to neck, back, 4. Major trauma patients less than 12 or 3. Ejection from Vehicle abdomen, genitalia, buttocks greater than 65 years of age

4. Flail Chest 5. Burns greater than 20% (2nd or 3rd 4. Collision with 20-inch intrusion into degree) of BSA or involving airway, vehicle hands, feet, or genitalia

5. Unstable pelvis or suspected pelvic 5. Pediatric patients with 2nd or 3rd degree 5. Auto/pedestrian fracture with unstable vital signs or burns greater than 10% BSA other injuries

6. Amputations (excluding digits) 6. Pregnancy greater than 24 weeks 6. Any multi-victim collision/incident gestation with trauma injuries 7. Arterial Lacerations 7. Paralysis or other signs of spinal cord 7. Motorcycle, ATV or bicycle crash injury greater than 20mph or with separation of rider from bike

8. Pediatric trauma with PTS score of 8 or less Original 4/1999 Revised 8/2000 Revised 8/2001 Revised 3/2002 Revised 1/2005 Revised 1/2006 Revised 9/2008,Revised 12/2012

20 Section 8

Trauma Activation Criteria


Airway • • GCS < 13 with mechanism attributed to Consult Trauma Surgeon for: • Actual or potential airway compromise trauma  All other injured patients • Intubated patient transferred directly from scene admitted or being transferred • Intubated patient transferred from other facility with • Amputation proximal to wrist or ankle ongoing respiratory compromise (does NOT include  All other injuries requiring a intubated patients transferring from another facility • Penetrating Injury to head, neck and surgical evaluation who are now stable from a respiratory standpoint) trunk (non-GSW)  Any patient with trauma and

significant co-morbidities Circulation • 2 or more proximal long bone fractures • Pre-hospital CPR (humerus or femur) *Co-morbids – COPD/CHF; Diabetes; Renal • Confirmed hypotension Failure; HTN; Anti-Coagulated state, etc)

 Adult SBP < 90 mm Hg • Open or displaced posterior pelvic fracture Level III:  Child <1 year SBP < 70 or HR <100 or >190 Trauma surgeon response (at bedside) < 6  Child 1-9 years—SBP<70 + 2 x age (in years) or HR • hours for patient being admitted. <80 or >150 Burns >20% BSA (>10% if patient <6yr) Trauma surgeon response (at bedside) • HR > 130 • Persistent limb paralysis or sensory prior to disposition for patient being transferred. • Transferred patient receiving blood to maintain vital deficit

signs • Disability ED Physician’s Discretion (ED physician is responsible for calling Trauma Surgeon if • GCS < 8 mechanism attributed to trauma activation is based on EDP discretion) Assume a high index of suspicion for ______Event injury and consider Level II Activation Leo Mercer, MD, Trauma Medical Director • Falls > 20 feet or 2.5 times patient height when the following mechanisms are associated regardless of known • Penetrating Gun Shot Wounds to Head, Neck, Trunk, ______injuries: Brett May, MD, Associate Trauma Medical Director Groin or Buttocks Ejection from vehicle • Major electrical injury with burn ______Unrestrained rollover • Injured pregnant patient with: Extrication time > 20 min Jacky Betts, RN, Director of Trauma  vagin*l bleeding or Death in same vehicle  Ruptured membranes Auto-pedestrian ______John Hilmi, MD, ED Medical Director Level II: ED Physician to see within 10 minutes. ED Physician’s Discretion (ED physician is responsible for * Notify Trauma Surgeon after initial calling Trauma Surgeon if activation is based on EDP discretion) assessment unless activation is downgraded (downgrade must be Level I: ED Physician must see within 5 minutes of arrival. documented). Trauma Services, United Regional Trauma Surgeon response (at bedside) < 15 minutes Trauma Surgeon response (at Reviewed: August 2012, approved by Trauma Service from patient arrival. bedside) < 30 minutes from any predated form is invalid. Activate based on EMS report if criteria are met. notification. Reviewed or Revised annually

21 Section 18

Information Sources for This Publication Alanezi, K., Alanzi, F., Faidi, S., et.al. “Survival rates for adult trauma patients who require cardiopulmonary resuscitation.” Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2004; 6(4): 263-265. www.cjem-online.ca/v6/n4/p263.

Anderson, J.A., et al. American College of Surgeons – Committee on Trauma. Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient. 2006.

Dehli, T., Fredriksen, K., Osbakk, S.A., Bartnes, K. “Evaluation of a University Hospital Trauma Team Activation Protocol.” Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:1-7.

Guidelines for Field Triage of Injured Patients: Recommendations of the National Expert Panel on Field Triage. MMWR Recommendations and Reports. Jan. 23, 2009. 58(RR01); 1-35. www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5801a1.htm. Web. Jan. 9, 2012.

Mackenzie, E.J., Rivara, F.P., Jurkovich, G.J., Nathens, A.B., Frey, K.P., Egleston, B.L., et al. “A national evaluation of the effect of trauma center care on mortality.” New England Journal of Medicine. 2006. 354:366-378.

Minnesota Department of Health. Level III & IV Trauma Hospital Resource Manual, Version 2007.2.

Texas Department of State Health Services, EMS-Trauma Systems. http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/emstraumasystems/default.shtm. Web. March 2013.

Uleberg, O., Vinjevoll, O.P., Eriksson, U., Aadahl, P., Skogvoll, E. “Overtriage in trauma: what are the causes?” Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2007, 51:1178-1183.


TETAF Trauma Activation Guidelines (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.