Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (2024)

By Nicole Harris 21 Comments





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Everybody needs a good Meatball Recipe! These meatballs are very versatile and taste great with just about any dinner meal.

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Homemade Meatballs

So, this is a no-frills Meatball Recipe. But believe me, these meatballs are full of flavor . . . garlic flavor!

I know, I know. Meatball recipes usually involve 2-3 different types of ground meat. Well mine are ground beef only. Gasp!

I don’t know what is happening in your freezer. But I certainly do not have ground pork or ground veal chilling up in mine.

I have good ol’ ground beef in my freezer. So that is what I use. Feel free to use a mixture of pork and beef if that is your preference.

I added enough roasted garlic to repel vampires. And fresh parsley for a pop of flavor.

Other than garlic and parsley, I included The Usual Suspects. Beef, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, milk and eggs.

I cook my meatballs in a skillet because I love the outsides to be crisp. Especially if I am adding them to sauce.

But, these meatballs could be baked too. Bake at 400° for about 20 minutes or so.

These meatballs were served with my Chimichurri Sauce. They are wonderful in spaghetti, in barbecue sauce or in a Meatball Sub Sandwich. {Meatball Sub Recipe – Coming Soon}

Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (5)


Yield: 22

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Everybody needs a good Meatball Recipe! These meatballs are very versatile and taste great with just about any dinner meal.



  • 2 lbs Ground Beef, 80/20%
  • 8-10 Cloves Roasted Garlic
  • Small Handful Fresh Parsley - chopped
  • 3/4 Cup Panko Crumbs
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Fresh Cracked Pepper
  • 1 Tb Whole Milk
  • 2 Eggs
  • 3 Tb Olive Oil, for frying


  1. Mix all meatball ingredients together with your hands.
  2. Roll mixture into 22-24 golf ball sized meatballs.
  3. Transfer to a cookie sheet and chill in the freezer for 3-5 minutes to firm up. (optional)
  4. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a large fry pan.
  5. Cook the meatballs in 2 batches so the pan is not over crowded.
  6. Fry on medium heat 15-17 minutes (or until cooked through) Rotate the meatballs frequently to brown all sides.
  7. Be careful when adding the second batch to the pan. The oil will be very hot and may pop. The second batch will likely take 2-3 minutes less because the pan is much hotter.
  8. Serve meatballs with your favorite sauce or pasta dish.
Nutrition Information

Yield 6Serving Size 1
Amount Per ServingCalories 560Total Fat 36gSaturated Fat 12gTrans Fat 1gUnsaturated Fat 20gCholesterol 197mgSodium 368mgCarbohydrates 13gFiber 2gSugar 1gProtein 45g

Nutritional information on WonkyWonderful is provided as a courtesy and is approximate only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the nutritional information given for any recipe on this site.

More WonkyWonderful Recipes:

Chimichurri Sauce

Roasted Garlic

Slow Cooker {apple bbq} Pulled Pork Sandwich






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Reader Interactions


  1. Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (7)Cj says

    I need to deliver some ground venison for you! 🙂 these look delish!!


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (8)Nicole Harris says

      Haha Cj, I’d give that a try. You hunt it … I’ll cook it!


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (10)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Elizabeth! The meatballs are really good … but a meatball sub is Great!


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (12)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Chris 😀


  2. Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (13)Kathi @ Deliciously Yum! says

    This is one delicious-looking meatball. The Chimichurri Sauce looks to die for and absolutely indulgent. Can’t even tell you how much I am drawn in by your pictures. Drooling!


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (14)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Kathi! I appreciate it. I love green food and it looks so pretty in pictures.


  3. Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (15)Crystal | Apples & Sparkle says

    I love the idea of meatballs with chimichurri, instead of the usual tomato sauce (not that there’s anything wrong with that….) Such a nice mix up from the norm. You are definitely not alone in rebelling against the multi-meat mix.


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (16)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Crystal! Yes, the chimichurri is a nice change. Glad to hear that I am not the only one keeping my meatballs simple with plain ol ground beef 😀


  4. Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (17)Karen @ The Food Charlatan says

    “enough roasted garlic to repel vampires” lol Nicole!!!! Love that you stuck with your guns and just put in ground beef. I’ll come back to this recipe when I’m making last minute meatballs because yeah…I don’t have and veal hangin in my freezer. 🙂


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (18)Nicole Harris says

      I love my garlic! Glad you like the recipe. I poked around your site for awhile and I just have to tell you that your photos are gorgeous!


  5. Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (19)Sasha says

    Your photos are gorgeous!

    I for one think it’s weird to mix different meats into one when making meatballs. It feel wrong to me, somehow.


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (20)Nicole Harris says

      Haha, I totally get that! Thanks Sasha 🙂


  6. Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (21)Liz says

    Can these be frozen?


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (22)Nicole Harris says

      Hi Liz! Yes, you can definitely freeze meatballs. I suggest freezing them on a baking sheet then transfer to an airtight container. That way they do not stick together and you can defrost a few at a time as you need them.


  7. Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (23)Emilia says

    Simply scrumptious! I’m going to serve it to my friends tomorrow, as an appetizer. Do you know how long it keeps in the refrigerator?

    Thank you so much for sharing!


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (24)Emilia says

      (I meant, the sauce!)


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (25)Nicole Harris says

      Hi Emilia! The sauce should be fine in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. I hope you and your friends enjoy! Thanks!


  8. Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (26)Sam says

    Can I substitute almond milk or another nut milk for whole milk?


    • Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (27)Nicole Harris says

      You surely can 🙂


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Meatball Recipe - Extra Garlic - WonkyWonderful (2024)


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